As Harry stared at the boy he only barely noticed his hand was now on the boy's cheek.

"D...Dad?" The boy whispered. "A...are you my dad?" He asked, hope in his voice only out matched by the hope in his eyes.

"Yes," Air said before Harry could respond. "he is."

"How?" Harry breathed out, it was impossible for him to have a child seeing as the only girl he had ever been with was Fleur and he was very sure that he had not gotten her pregnant. At first Harry was tempted to deny it, but he knew this kid was his son. It was not the face or even the eyes that told him, but he knew that it was definitely his son. Yet he still did not know how, it could not be Chloe's son, after all Harry had last seen her when he was six and after that he had only seen her recently, nowhere near enough time for him to have had a kid with her.

"That is a bit of a story." Air said in an amused voice. His amusement succeeded in pissing off Harry enough to snap him out of his daze. Harry shook his head slightly before he picked up the boy's mask and gave it to him.

"Stay still and put that on." Harry ordered. the boy did so but kept his emerald green eyes on Harry. "Listen to me now, I am going to do something that you can not see or hear, so you are going to turn around. I am going to use a spell on you that will make you go to sleep."

"B...but I..."

"Boy," Harry cut him off. "trust me. You will not want to see what is about to happen. Close your eyes, turn around and I will wake you up when it is over. I promise."

The boy, even when wearing the mask, looked extremely reluctant to do so. But he did so anyway, Harry was not going to believe that the boy did so simply because of Harry. Libra made it a habit for all of it's members to obey those with a higher rank. Harry gently hit the boy with a low powered stunner and quickly caught him before he could fall, Harry gently lowered him down on to the ground before he placed a silencing spell around the boy so the noise would not wake him and a sleeping spell to help keep him under sleep.

"Isn't that adorable?" Air mocked. Though Harry ignored him, he focused on Shadow who despite his best efforts was unable to penetrate the wards on the cage. "You have been a father for less than a minute and you are already tucking him in." Air added when Harry conjured a blanket and pillow and placed them so the boy could sleep more comfortably.

"I am not going to ask you any questions," Harry said as he stood up, it was true he wanted answers to many questions such as 'how the hell did he have a son?' but Harry was not going to ask them while knowing that pretty much everyone was watching on the mirrors. Harry walked away from the cage so when the fighting starts the cage would not actually be hit. "I am just going to kill you." Harry said as he put his mask on.

"I have no doubt that you will try." Air said as he moved so he was sat opposite him. "But you will fail, then you and your boy..."

"Leave...him...out of this." Harry interrupted.

"You are both Libra, there is no 'out of this'. Once Libra, always Libra." Air replied.

"Enough talk, let's just get on with this." Harry said before he jabbed his wand forward and shot a killing curse right at Air. Air ducked and waved his own wand, sending a high speed cutting curse at Harry.

Harry managed to block in time before he responded with his own cutting curse and followed up with a piercing curse, Air blocked both spells before firing off three quick cutting curses. Harry span out of the way of the first and fired a piercing curse as he ducked the second one and blocked the third, he then blocked a stunner and returned fire with his own which came just before he shot a blast of fiendfyre at Air.

The fiendfyre took the shape of a raven and charged towards Air, Air made no move to get out the way or even defend. He simply extended his arms out as if welcoming an old friend. The fiendfyre hit him like a train, soon he was no longer visible as he was surrounded by the hellfire flames. Harry flicked his wrist, cancelling the spell. Harry sniffed but did not move. This was a Libra Alpha, one who willingly just took fiendfyre, something told Harry that the fight wasn't quite over.

"Impressive." Air's voice echoed followed by the sound of clapping, moments later the fire disappeared, revealing Air who looked unharmed. "That wasn't bad. But I am not a simple omega, nor was I a fake like Earth, I am a true Alpha. I will not be dealt with so easily."

"You talk too much." Harry said, glaring at him from under his mask.

"Fine, let's get on with this then. Shall we do this the old fashioned way?" Air said, gesturing to his wand.

"The last time I agreed to that when fighting a Libra member she changed her mind and used one anyway." Harry replied.

"I am not like that filthy pretender, I am a true Alpha, I keep my word." Air said before he tossed his wand away. "I swear I will not use my wand until you use yours, nor will I use my spare wand." Air said as he pulled out a second wand and tossed that one as well. "I do not need them to beat you." Air said confidently, smirking under his mask.

"If I agree to it then you need to promise not to hurt the kid or let any other Libra soldiers that might arrive hurt him." Harry replied, knowing full well it was possible for Air to start making things harder for Harry by aiming his attacks at the boy during their fight.

"Hmm," Air said in an approving tone, glad that Harry realised that the boy could be a liability. "very well, I agree." Air said, Harry nodded in response before he tossed his wand by the cage. The meaning behind the act was not lost on either of them, it rather simply said that Harry would get his wand when he goes to free the boy from the cage. "Are you sure you want the boy though?"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"The reason the boy looks the way he does is rather simply because it was desired for him to be exactly like you." Air said, there was a certain amount of pleasure in his voice. Harry took a moment before realisation hit him.

"You didn't?!" Harry blurted out.

"Not really." Air shrugged. "The boy did not get his scars the same way you did, apart from one." Air trailed a finger down his mask, copying the mark on the boy's face. "Except, when the werewolf scratched him, it did a better job than it did with you. Your son is a werewolf Potter." Air said, grinning from under his mask.

"You...hurt...him?" Harry breathed out, his voice low and deadly.

"Not me personally." Air said with another shrug.

"I think killing you all won't be enough," Harry said, a laugh escaping his mouth. If anyone looked under his mask then they would see an evil smile that could be described as demonic. "no, not enough." Harry said, shaking his head, his green eyes narrowed and blazing with anger. "No, this is no longer about simply fighting you. It's no longer about fighting Libra, it's about destroying you." Harry snarled as his hands were covered in fire.

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