"What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked. "Are you going to kill me?"

"Dumbledore, if I was going to kill you then I would've done it in my first year by poisoning your food or shooting you from a distance." Harry replied. "All I wanted from you was for you to stop meddling in my life and stay out of my way. But that was clearly too hard for you. All you had to do was let me get rid of the murdering and raping scum, deal with the dark lord then let me just let me enjoy life. But you just wouldn't listen!"

"I can't let you continue as you have done so far."

"Yes you can, you sit back and don't do anything. Even a toddler could do it. I am not going off and killing each and every person I feel like it. Just the death eaters."

"What of those seven you killed at Hogwarts?!" Dumbledore demanded.

"Death eaters." Harry shrugged.

"They were students!"

"They were young death eaters," Harry said in an uncaring voice. "and you only have yourself to blame. You know your no killing rule, in another time and placed I might have admired it, respected it even but not when you're fighting in a war and risking lives for your beliefs. You knew I would push back if you pushed me so I pushed back. I figured that I could hurt your reputation and get rid of death eaters at the same time, win-win as they say. But you know what, I've got better thing to do than go back and forth with a stubborn old man. So here's what you're going to do, when you go on trial for everything, I want you to say you're guilty."

"Why would I do that?" Dumbledore frowned, wondering what Harry had planned, it was clear that the boy did have something planned and he did not like it.

"Several members of your order are currently in lock up," Harry said calmly. "it's no secret that you've made a great many enemies. It wouldn't be hard to have them killed and blame it on death eaters."

"No...no, you wouldn't do that. You only harm death eaters." Dumbledore said.

"Oh now you remember that?" Harry quirked an eyebrow. "I also kill anyone who gives me a good reason. Now you're going to confess to 'your crimes' and if you do then I won't go after your friends. If that's not enough incentive for you, Remus Lupin has been a thorn in my side, perhaps I should pay him a visit."

"You're a monster!" Dumbledore glared at him.

"I am what happens when a neglectful idiot is too stubborn to listen." Harry glared back. "You, Voldemort, Libra, you're all the same! None of you thought about what I wanted! None of you cared about what I wanted to be! Libra wanted an assassin, Voldemort wanted a dead boy and you wanted a hero! Well, all I want is to have a peaceful life! What about you?!"

"I only ever worked for the greater good of wizarding kind!"

"Bullshit! That's bullshit! The greater good is just a bullshit excuse! If you were working for the greater good then you would've actually tried to make an impact with all of your political power instead of leaving things as they are and you would've tried to actually do something against Voldemort instead of relying on a prophecy, Hitler and Grindelwald are just a few of the wizards and muggles over the years that have worked for 'the greater good', they each thought that their greater good would help the people, what makes your greater good so different from there's?! Huh?!" Harry waited for several seconds, but continued when he realised that Dumbledore wasn't going to respond. "I will deal with Voldemort and I will handle Libra when it comes to it but right now I am not dealing with you as well, so you have a choice. Say guilty at your trial or I go after your friend. Make your choice, and before you doubt my words I want you to remember that I gave Voldemort the same offer, we know how happened when he refused."

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