
"I'm going to kill you know." Bellatrix removed her wand, fortunately for Sirius Kreatcher popped in and informed them that they had a guest. "I'm going to sleep." Bellatrix said as he got up and went upstairs, not really wanting to see Lupin.

"Me too." Delphi said as she went upstairs along with her.

"I'm going to go hunting." Harry said as he got up and walked over to Sirius, he gave the man a dope slap on the back of the head before going upstairs to get ready.

"Invite him in Kreatcher." Sirius said to the elf while he rubbed the back of his head, the boy slapped just like his mother.

"Padfoot?" Remus said when he was escorted into the room by Kreatcher, he ignored the elf as he left mumbling about 'bad werewolves'. "How are you?"

"I'm fine Moony." Sirius nodded to him as he gestured him to take a seat. "How about you?"

"I'm doing okay." Remus said as he sat down. "Um...where are the others?"

"Uh...well Bellatrix was a bit tired and went to sleep early."

"Right," Remus nodded, easily knowing that Sirius lied but decided not to call him out on it. "what about Delphi and Harry?"

"Well Delphi went up with her mother, as for Harry...he has decided to go out for the night."

"Out for the night?" Remus raised an eyebrow before realisation hit him. "He's planning to go out and hunt death eaters?!" He hissed.

"Alright Padfoot," Harry said as he entered the room, wearing the exact same things he wore when he fought in the department of mysteries and holding his mask in his right hand while Shadow was perched on his left shoulder. "oh, hi monster." Harry said to Remus.

"Harry," Sirius frowned.

"What?" Harry shrugged. "He insists on being treated like a monster, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Harry, please tell me that you're not planning to go off and kill death eaters." Remus said with a pleading expression and voice.

"Okay I won't." Harry replied.

"Are you going to?"

"You just said you didn't want me to tell you, what do you want from me?"

"Harry, you can't be serious. No Padfoot!" The last part was said by both of them when they saw Sirius prepare to make a 'Sirius-serious' joke. "Harry you can't just go around and kill whoever you want."

"Legally I can." Harry responded. "Do you want to join me?" Harry offered.

"What?!" Remus blurted out.

"Come on it'd be great, just a pair of monsters hanging out, decapitating heads. It's be a blast."

"I am not going out to kill with you!" Remus scowled.

"Your loss." Harry said.

"Harry, listen to me," Remus said as he stood up and stood in front of Harry. "there are other options."

"Of course there are other options," Harry said just as Shadow flew to Sirius's shoulder. "I don't decapitate everyone. Most of the time I just cut their throats or pierce their bodies."

"Harry! You can't do this! What would your parents think?!"

"Well seeing as they were already friends with one monster I think they'd be fine with having another for a child." Harry replied. "Besides, the difference between you and me Lupin, is that I don't give a shit what everyone thinks about me. What my family and friends think is important but I'm not about to change who I am because of the opinion of people I don't know or care about."

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