"Why?" Bellatrix asked with a confused expression

"Not entirely sure" Harry admitted "they then gave me two tests and said that if I completed both of them then I would be allowed to live and attend my final year at school, then they would give me a task after that and if I complete it then I'm forgiven for all I've done and am allowed to go back to Libra, not that I want to."

"That sounds..."

"Fishy? I know" Harry nodded "I am not really sure what they are planning. But I don't think I'll like it, if I had to guess then I think they would probably task me with killing Voldemort. But that doesn't make sense seeing as they have plenty of assassins available who can do that. It's just...I'm going to think about it later, for now I am just going to relax and enjoy myself."

"That's nice" Bellatrix smiled.

"What about you?" Harry asked.

"What about me?" She repeated.

"You should try to enjoy yourself, for all the time I've known you you've never showed any interest in getting together with anyone or going on dates or anything"

"Ha" Bellatrix let out a humourless laugh "who'd be interested in me?"

"You're a good looking woman and..."

"People think I'm either evil, broken or both." Bellatrix pointed out.

"You could go muggle" Harry suggested.

"Ha" Bellatrix let out a small laugh, real this time "I suppose I could, it would cause my parents to roll in their graves so that makes it all the more better. But...I just...I just don't know. I haven't been interested in anyone since..." She trailed off

"Since who?" Harry asked curiously.

"Lupin" Bellatrix sighed.

"You and Lupin?" Harry asked with clear surprise in his voice.

"We dated in school" Bellatrix confessed "it was nice, I mean I liked him, he was this nerdy dork who was so polite and well dressed all the time and he was nice to me. In school he told me that he was a werewolf, I told him I didn't care and we kept going out. Sirius didn't know, neither did any of my family, imagine their reactions to me going out with a werewolf. They would've demanded we broke up then punished me. But then I got told I was going to be put in a marriage contract, I asked Remus to run away with me." She added with a sniff.

"What happened?" Harry asked, not entirely sure he wanted to know.

"He asked for a day to think about it, that hurt but I thought it was fair. I gave him the day, it was horrible, I was so scared but I thought that he would agree. I mean I thought we had something special, if he had asked me to run then I would've done the same. But then...he refused...I asked him why and he said that he couldn't because he was 'a monster' and 'I deserved better'. It was then that I realised I wanted nothing to do with him, I was just sick of his self-pity. Since then I've just...been afraid to open up to someone else...I mean I trusted Remus and he left me. What if the next guy does the same?"

"I would kill him" Harry said simply.

"Thanks Harry" Bellatrix snorted. "Your presence would stop the gropers at least."

"Anytime mum" Harry said, Bellatrix's head snapped up and looked at him, tears in her eyes. She gave him a watery smile and leaned her head back on his shoulder.

"What is happening?" Delphi asked as she came down, she saw Fleur and Bellatrix sat next to Harry. Harry currently had his mouth open plus what looked like a leaf in his mouth, Sirius sat in front of Harry and was pointing his wand in Harry's mouth.

Damaged RavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora