"Speaking of..." Harry turned to the Libra members "I'm surprised you revealed yourselves, you know that the whole wizarding world is watching. After all, you lot were the ones who supplied the mirrors, weren't you?"

"It has been decided that secrecy is no longer a priority" The one on the left replied.

"Interesting" Harry said with a thoughtful look, he then turned to Voldemort "as for you, you also realise that everyone is watching, don't you?"

"Of course" Voldemort replied "everyone knows now. They know I am back, and now they will cower in fear, those who celebrated my demise will run and scream as I bring this world into a new age, a better age."

"Brilliant" Harry said dryly "so how does this work?" Harry asked as he mentally analysed the situation while Voldemort began talking.

Currently he was tied to a gravestone, he could probably burn through the ropes but he knows that the second he does the others will try and attack him. He'd rather not have multiple deadly spells flying at him.

There were at least seven death eaters plus Pettigrew, if he managed to escape then he'd hopefully be able to burn them all with one high powered fire blast, though he didn't know how likely that was. On the one hand they're just minions, on the other hand they're likely to be at least somewhat trained. Best chance was to catch them off guard, they were dangerous but the Libra assassins were more dangerous. In hand to hand combat they would be challenge at best, he wasn't sure how skilled or powerful they were. If he knew they were deltas or betas, if he did then he could get a basic judgement on how dangerous they were.

The only thing he was sure about was the fact that they weren't omegas, this is way above an omegas level. Harry also wasn't sure what weapons they might be possessing along with their wands. Then there was Voldemort, the dark lord, scariest wizard of all time.

He had no doubt that the man had earned his reputation, it was idiotic to not view the man as a danger, though Harry didn't know the full extent of his powers. There were many rumors about Voldemort and his capabilities, Harry didn't know for sure which ones were true and which weren't, so for now Voldemort was the highest threat. Harry hoped that the man was just an overrated and above average wizard but he knew that was unlikely.

Currently he was in a grave yard, he had gravestones all around him which could be used offensively and defensively, there was earth under his feet which he could manipulate, if he could get his wand back then that would also be a valuable tool, he had his fire and air elemental powers, he couldn't manipulate water unless he made some with his wand which he needed to get. The only other weapons he could think of were his body, mind and the knife hidden in his boot. There was also the darkness which was good if he needed to hide.

Shadow was an option but after last time he had no doubt that Libra had prepared for that, it was possible to have wards that prevent travel through Shadow so for now he instructed Shadow to stay away unless he's called upon, it was better to fight alone then fight and be worried about Shadow.

The biggest problem at the moment was the fact that he was outnumbered, if he took any of them on one on one he had a much better chance of winning or at least surviving. It was then that he realised something...he wasn't dead.

If this was a typical assassination mission then Libra would have tried to kill him already, know they were hired to capture, unusual but something that they did do. As for Voldemort, he and his death eaters should have killed him by now. If the roles were reversed then Harry would have killed him as soon as he could, that meant that Voldemort wanted him alive for some reason. If Harry had to guess then he would say that Voldemort was a lot like Lockhart, they were both showmen.

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