The other champions were ready but before they could do anything Harry's hands suddenly lit up and caught fire, Harry aimed his hands at the base of the judges tower and flames shot out of his hand and began burning the base.

"What are you doing?!" Bagman shrieked.

"Mr Potter stop that!" Barty Crouch senior said as the tower began shaking.

"The tower is going to collapse!" Madam Maxime, the Beuaxbaton headmistress, screamed.

"Stop the boy!" Karkaroff, the Drumstrang headmaster, demanded.

"Mr Potter!" Dumbledore yelled, power flowing through his voice "You will stop this right..." Dumbledore was cut off by another big shake.

"What are you doing?!" Krum demanded, he aimed his wand at Harry only for it to fly out of his hand and land far away, his eyes widened as he turned to Fleur who had aimed her wand at him. Eventually Harry stopped sending fire at the base, the wooden poles were now burning and seconds away from crumbling. Harry waved his arm several times, sending high powered gusts of wind at the top of the tower, eventually the tower began tilting and soon it along with the judges landed in the lake.

Everyone looked at Harry with awe, amazement and fear while Fleur just had a very satisfied smirk on her face.

"Well Fleur" Harry turned to her "we have a task to win" he then waved his wand several times and a boat formed in the lake. "After you milady" Harry gestured towards the boat. Fleur smiled and got into the boat, Harry then got in after her. "Hold on tight" He ordered.

Air began circling up both of Harry's arms, he took in a deep breath, he then slammed his hands together, causing the air to push out. The air pushed the boat at such a fast speed that Fleur nearly fell out of the boat. The boat stopped a little way out into the lake, they were still close enough to be able to swim back if they wanted. Harry took one finger and tapped it on the surface of the lake, sending ripples out.

"Arry?" Fleur asked, wondering what he was doing.

"We need to go further" Was all Harry said, he then placed his wand in the water and used it as engine, causing the boat to move forward. Water was a much harder element to control then fire and air, not as tough as earth but Harry managed it. A single tap in the water allowed him to get a brief image of what was below. A minute and a few taps later Harry had eventually stopped the boat. "We're here, they're down below"

"You are sure?" Fleur asked.

"Positive" Harry nodded as he cast a bubblehead charm on himself while Fleur cast one on herself. He and Fleur then jumped into the water and began swimming down, eventually they reached the hostages that happened to be tied to a rock. Cho Chang and Hermione Granger were there, Gabrielle was also there. Harry saw Shadow, he was contained in a air bubble, much like the one around Harry's head, except the one Shadow was in wouldn't break if it was just poked.

Harry and Fleur quickly got Gabrielle and Shadow and took them up, as soon as they surfaced Gabrielle woke up and the ball containing Shadow popped and allowed the black bird to fly out. The three humans got in the boat as quick as possible, Shadow flew over and landed on Harry's extended arm while Fleur checked over her sister.

"Hey buddy" Harry gave Shadow a warm smile "I missed you" Shadow let out a soft trill as Harry petted him with his other hand "the next time somebody tries to take you away...I will kill them" Harry promised, Fleur and Gabrielle who were listening to the conversation saw Harry's face, they couldn't help but believe him. As Harry petted Shadow, his familiar sent images into his head, images of a man with a long beard putting Shadow in a body bind before stunning him.

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