"Harry?" Andromeda asked, she followed his eye line and saw the chair "ah, don't worry Harry" She then turned to the person "no, he will not. I will provide him with his own chair" She waved her wand and a new chair was made.

"Hey! You can't do that, you..."

"My client is uncomfortable just looking at that chair, I will not have him sit in it" Andromeda gave the man an icy glare "remove that chair or I'll do it, I am not allowing you all to give my client a panic attack just because you are too lazy to get a new chair."

"Hmm, fine" The man huffed and walked off to get rid of the chair.

"Thank you" Harry said appreciatively.

"Anytime dear" Andromeda smiled "now Madam Marchbank is going to be the judge as it was clear that Dumbledore and the minister would not be the best choice. Just remember to be respectful and..." Andromeda stopped when Harry gave her a look that said everything from 'are you kidding me?' to 'do you even know who I am?' "...well...just be as good as you can"

"Fine" Harry sighed and took his seat.

An hour or so later, Harry was still in the chair and he was massaging his temples as a massive headache had made it's way into his head. He had answered a few questions, then the court decided to bring out a pensive. While pensives aren't usually used in court, it appeared that today they decided to make an exception. So Harry and the other witnesses which included, Granger, the Weasley's and Longbottom, the former two came with their families while the later had arrive with McGonagall who was the acting magical guardian of her and all muggleborn Gryffindor's until she was of age. Dumbledore was also there because...reasons? Harry wasn't sure, though the man was in the guest section so he probably couldn't interfere much

The memories were placed in the pensive which began projecting to the whole court. It started with Harry getting rid of Sirius and Delphi being transported away by Shadow, something which surprised everyone as they learnt that Harry's familiar was no ordinary bird. They also had varying levels of shock when Harry snuck up on Draco Malfoy who was laughing as people ran in terror, their shocks increased when he began interrogating Draco and Draco admits to his father and his death eater friends being the ones behind the attack and hiring assassins. Funnily enough Malfoy didn't attend today.

Many were shocked when they first saw the boy-who-lived easily kill three assasins, after watching his first fight with the assassins they were amazed, in awe and terrified at seeing Harry Potter fight assassins with wandless magic being used by himseld and the assasins. Harry's comment about the death eaters getting their masks from Libra assassins caught the attention of many people, especially Dumbledore.

They continued to watch as Harry fought and killed the Libra assasins, many couldn't believe seeing the boy-who-lived use parsletounge to help him kill the assasins. A few people nearly vomited when they saw Harry pull out the throat out of the one girl. Harry barely held back a smirk, when he saw the minister look a bit green.

When it got to Harry's battle with the Beta, people were beyond impressed and the word 'shocked' didn't seem to do justice to how they felt. His easy way of sending flames bigger than people made people suddenly a lot more terrified at being in a room with the boy who could shoot flames out of his hand and mouth. Eventually it got to the end where Harry cut the throat of the beta and was lying on the floor with blood all over his mask.

Once it ended, everyone looked at Harry who rolled his eye and resisted the urge to shout 'boo!', he suspected that if he did half of them would faint and the other half would try and shoot him. He noticed that Granger, Longbottom and the Weasleys were all looking terriffied of him.

"Mr Potter" Interim Chief Witch Madam Marchbanks spoke after a very long silence "I think I speak for everyone when I ask where you learnt all of this?"

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