"Something along the lines of 'die motherfucker, die'" Harry answered.

"Harry, this isn't a joke!" Bellatrix glared at him.

"Fine" Harry sighed "I was thinking that Fleur was in danger and I wanted to save her"

"Harry, that's great and I'm glad that Fleur is okay but there were better ways than to risk your life" Sirius said.

"Oh really?" Harry raised an eyebrow "Should I have asked any of the cowards that were running away from a group that the outnumbered? In fact, they're running caused more chaos than if just a few of them were bothered enough to fire a few spells. Should I have asked the aurors that either weren't there, busy dealing with the crowd or trying to do who knows what? The pricks couldn't even show up until I was done. Besides, I could have easily handled a few death eaters, when I learnt that the Libra assassin were there then that's when I knew the aurors would be even more useless."

"What?!" Bellatrix blurted out "Libra was there?!" Her face full of shock, surprise and a little bit of terror.

"Who the hell are Libra?!" Sirius demanded to know.

"They...they were who Harry lived with..." Bellatrix spoke in a soft voice "before I found him. Sirius, Harry told me stories about them, this is not good!"

"Mr Potter" A new voice called just as a doctor entered followed by two aurors "the wards told us you were awake and...good merlin...you shouldn't be out of bed! You need to heal!"

"I am healed" Harry shrugged

"You most definitely are not" The Doctor frowned

"Check me then" Harry spread his arms "check me right now"

"Goodness me, fine" The Doctor rolled his eyes and performed a diagnosis spell "you see, you have...wait a sec" His face became one of confusion when he saw that Harry was perfectly fine, he tried the spell again, and again, and again. "H...how...how are you better"

"Well, I am, so can I leave now?" Harry asked.

"We apologise Mr Potter" One auror said "but seeing as you're better, we'd like to start questioning you on the events of last night."

"You can wait for his lawyer first" Sirius said as he grabbed Harry and guided him back to his bed "you just rest until Andi get's here" He said just as Harry got on the bed.

"But Mr Black..." The auror began protesting.

"Do you need something to eat Harry?" Bellatrix cut him off.

"Yes please" Harry nodded "A sandwich will be fine, no crust please"

"Mr Potter" The auror started again.

"I'll have one too" Delphi smiled

"Goddamn it" The auror groaned and walked out the room, followed by the other one.

"That my dear is how you annoy people until they leave you alone" Sirius winked at Fleur "a useful skill"

"This is going to be boring, isn't it?" Harry asked in a resigned voice as he and Andromeda entered the courtroom. Sirius, Delphi and Bellatrix sat in the viewing area. The former had already given their statements on what happened.

"Yep" Andromeda nodded "sorry about that but this is what you get for playing hero"

"Hero, so overrated" Harry said shaking his head. The two walked forward.

"He has to sit over there" One person, pointing from Harry to the chair in the centre of the court. Harry stiffened at the sight of the chair, it was old and wooden and it had chains attached to it.

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