Ch 10: Flesh and Bone

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As Addison and I walked through the school wolfed out I heard many things.

'Is that Addison'

'That's Zed's sister'

'They look good'.

We walked past the Aceys without a care in the world until Lacey shot up and pulled my shoulder to face her.

"Woah bad hair day?" She asked rudely.

"Uh, bad hair life?" Stacey corrected from behind Lacey.

"I think it looks great." I took a step toward them.

"Yeah not so much." Jacey directed to Addison.

"No, don't look at her. We're talking." I snapped my fingers in their faces.

"Addison if you ever expect to be cheer captain-"
Addison interrupted Lacey. "Maybe I don't. Maybe cheer team isn't for me after all."

She smirked when the Aceys gasped and made their way around us.

When we turned back around we saw Zed standing there.

"Guys I was up all night thinking. You're not werewolves, you can't be." He shook his head.

"But I love moonlight strolls. Also no you weren't." I argued.

"Yeah you love sunsets too, that doesn't mean you're a vampire." He shrugged knowingly.

"Zed-" Addison interjected.

"Look Addi, it's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me." He interrupted her.

"Zed, all I've ever wanted was to find my pack. And now I finally have." Addison pulled out her necklace box and opened it, handing it to Zed.

I wasn't about to do the same.

"When I see the wolves I'm going to put this on." She told him.

"And we're really sorry that we can't make the debate. I have to go find Wyatt and Willa." I gave him a small hug and wished him luck before leaving.

I found the wolves in the far west corridor and they greeted me before Wyatt pulled out a map. He put his leg up on a bench and laid part of the map over his thigh.

"We can't let them blow up Seabrook Power. They'll crush the moonstone. Willa and I have a plan to get in there, get the stone, and get out." Wyatt announced as the wolves circled around.
"It's a good plan Willa." I heard Wyatt say as I turned the corner.

"What plan?" I questioned as I stopped walking.

"Addison!" Ziarah shouted in recognition.

"We're going after the moonstone, top secret, we can't tell anyone." Wynter blurted.

"Wynter!" Willa growled at her.

"Bad wolf, bad wolf." Wynter hit herself in the head.

"You're going after the moonstone now?" I asked in shock.

"It won't survive the detonation." Wyatt told me.

"Then let me join you! I'm ready to become a wolf!" I admitted.

"If you really are one." Ziarah reminded.

"If you really are one." I shot at her.

Why can't I just have the wolves to myself? She took Zed, Zoey, Bree, Eliza. I just want Wyatt and Willa and Wynter for my own.

She opened up the box the necklace was in but apparently didn't see it.

She looked up with a mixture of shock, disappointment and sadness. "It's gone."

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