Chapter 1: Intro

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Zed: Welcome back to Seabrook, where belonging is everything.

Addison: We're a strong, united and tight knit community. Which is a good thing. Cause it wasn't always this way. There was a time when we had to protect ourselves.

Ziarah: Legend has it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws, lurking in the forest.

Zed: Which sparked an epic battle. Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monsters attacking, and discovered a powerful energy source. Realizing they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts.

Addison: They weren't gonna let anyone steal their treasure. So they hid it. And the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source. Seabrook started to become great, as it grew strong and happy and unified.

Ziarah: The beasts were a distant memory.

Addison: Seabrook forgot monsters could be real.

Zed: Until clearly, they were.

Ziarah: A little lime soda mixed with a bit of industrial strength Seabrook energy and boom! Zombies were created.

Zed: In a lot of ways, Seabrook's moved on since then. But it's hard to bury your past.


I watched as my twin brother Zed climbed through his sand grave and chased after our little sister Zoey and her friends, growling like a mad zombie.

I laughed a bit and turned back toward the ocean. I had braided my hair and was staring at the white side. Even in Zombieland I still didn't entirely fit in. And because of something as stupid as my hair not being fully green.


When I was born, my dad noticed that I had a patch of white hair on the right half of my head.

As Zed and I grew up, more of my hair started turning more and more until now, half of it was white.

It drew so much fire from other zombies my entire childhood and from the Aceys since we started going to regular school.

I just wish I knew why.


Hey. I'm Zed. And yup, still a zombie.

For zombies in Seabrook things are changing. Every day is better than the last. Seabrook is getting rid of all its old antimonster laws.

So now, Zombietown is open to everyone. And business is booming.

"What's up coach?" I greeted.

"Awh. Off season has been good to me Zed. Invested in a froyo cart. Little side hustle, gonna go global, I'm gonna buy a car, get some pleasure. Go on vacation- without my great aunt Edna. Though she loves swimwear weather. You know I might just bring her along." He explained.

"Cauliflower brains mocha crunch please!" Zoey ordered.

"You got it!." Coach started scooping.

Seabrook has way more flavors than just vanilla now.

"I'll take a vanilla coach." I ordered next.

What? I like vanilla.

In a couple days we're even tearing down old Seabrook power to build a new cheer pavilion. And not to take too much credit for all the positive changes, but yeah, I did good.

It's hard to believe there was a time when people were afraid of zombies.


"Hey dad" I greeted and Zed as I stopped in front of our father.

"Hey kids. First day as foreman of the demo group. Big day for zombie kind" He smiled widely.

"Yeah you'll do great, Just don't make-"I interrupted Zed

"any lame zombie dad jokes." We spoke together.

"But the workin stiffs love em." Our dad defended as we walked away.


We ran through the poster and spread out over the grass in front of Bucky and Shrimpy, some of us tumbling on the way.

"Cheer camp! Even more sparkly than I dreamed." Bree gushed and ran off.


Hi! I'm Addison and this is cheer camp. A place where everyone belongs. We're a unified squad and- "Split up!" Bucky yelled. Usually unified?

At the sound of Bucky's whistle, humans and zombies split and Bucky came tumbling and flipping down the aisle.

That's cheer captain Bucky. My cousin.

"You've all heard the stories of the bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods. Feasting on innocent cheerleaders." Bucky spoke as the Aceys jumped up from behind Bree and Bonzo, scaring them.


"Well those stories are just silly make believe. But you better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines. Likeeee Lacey,"

Lacey walked up and did a high kick.

"Stacy," Stacy did the same but did a simple move instead.

"And our most recent acey, Jacey." Jacey walked up and did a backflip before turning to Bucky.

"I'm Kevin." Bucky glared at him. "Right. We changed my name to Jacey, which I love by the way." And walked away.

"Long live the aceys!" Bucky cheered and the rest of us copied.

"You three lead the veterans, you're the A team. Addison, Splitzies, you take the newbies. You're the uh... you're the Z team." Bucky said as we got handed our shirts.

Ah yes, my hair. Still green and white, still well conditioned, and still drawing fire from Bucky and the aceys!

"Now zombies, this is obviously your first cheer camp. Now I'm not anti-change, I'm just pro-keeping things the way they are. Because you don't mess, with success. This week the veterans and the newbies will compete for the cheer camp cup to see who is more cheertastic. The veterans have always won the cup, right aceys!" Bucky smiled.

"Right." They all answered.

"We'll see about that." Addison challenged.

"To the cheer course!" Bucky instructed through the microphone.

Bucky and the Aceys jogged off to the course, followed by the A team.

"Let's show them that we've got this." Addison said as we cheered, then the Z-team followed us down to the course.

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