Ch 9: Promises

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"They think I may be a werewolf too." I told Zed.

"What? How? I'm not. We're twins! Zombies! It's not possible." He shook his head.

"Maybe a werewolf history thing! My hair means something Z." I explained.

"For centuries this has been set aside for you." Wyatt opened a box and I recognized one of their necklaces.

"For the Hybrid." Willa corrected.

"A fully charged moonstone is priceless to us Ziarah." Wynter told me.

"If you're truly one of us, when you put it on you'll be transformed into a werewolf. A part of our pack. Forever." Willa nodded.

"What? No! Wait." Zed stopped me sadly.

I looked at him, then back at Wyatt and Willa. "Can I think about it?" I questioned.

"For a day." Willa told me and Wyatt handed me the closed box. I tucked it into my belt as Zed looked at me, hurt.

"Once you've joined us you can lead us to the hidden moonstone." Wyatt reminded me as Wynter shoved his shoulder. "She doesn't know where it is."

I nodded and the ground began to shake. Wyatt and Willa ran up a set of stairs and I immediately followed them.

Bonzo, Addison, Bree, Eliza and Zed followed me closely.

Bonzo pointed to Seabrook power as its windows lit up in sync with the shakes.

"The explosion came from Seabrook power." Zed repeated what Bonzo had said but in English.

"They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow." Addison shrugged.

"Seabrook power is the birthplace of zombies." Eliza spoke.

"A little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy and bam!" Zed shouted in Wynter's ear, scaring her. "Zombies." he finished and Wynter growled at him.

"Nice story but it doesn't concern us." Willa dismissed.

"But it does concern you Willa. Seabrook power was fueled by a mysterious energy source. That can be our moonstone right?" I turned to them and Wyatt grinned when I said our.

"She found the moonstone." He told Willa and looked at me. "She's amazing."

Willa looked at me without emotion. "We'll see you after school tomorrow Addison." Willa dismissed her.

"Okay, tomorrow. Big day." She turned and left, drawing Bree, Zed, Bonzo and Eliza with her.

Wynter walked them out and left Wyatt, Willa and I on the overlook in the cave.

"If they destroy that building it will crush the moonstone underneath. We can't let that happen." Willa told us.

"Addison and Zia can help-" Wyatt tried to tell her.

She interrupted him. "Maybe. Once they're part of us but until then I lead this pack."

She walked to the part of the overlook that was in the direction of the cave. "We need to stop them from destroying the moonstone. Whatever it takes." She ordered.

The rest of the wolves nodded and they all howled to the moon.

"Goodnight Ziarah." She gave me a small nod and went through the halls of the cave.

Most of the pack followed her lead and went to their own..rooms?

Once everybody was gone I turned to leave and saw Wyatt still standing next to me. It frightened me, so I jumped back a bit.

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