Ch 5: New Students

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Eliza and I were walking through the halls trying to find Addison and Zed. When we did, they were arguing about how much they like each other and Prawn.

"Ugh you guys even fight like a perfect couple." Eliza rolled her eyes as we stopped in front of them.

"How's it going Eliza?" Addison asked as Zed and I glared at each other playfully and did our secret handshake.

"You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." Eliza answered and Addi laughed.

"And looking good doing it zom-bae." Addison said as Zed and I shook our heads together before we all turned around at the sound of Bucky's voice.

"Addison! Time to officially nominate me as president." Bucky called from across the space on the opposite hall.

"Cheer could be so much more than just pom-poming for Bucky. And we have to go cheer for him as president." I complained.

"Uh Addison!" Lacey called and we turned around. "Once we're cheer captain, you are so off the team."

"And when I'm cheer captain," Addison countered, "You'll be welcome to stay. Because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together."

"That was awful trash talk." Stacy scoffed.

"I know right. You will never be cheer captain freak." Lacey grabbed her as Stacy grabbed me and led us to the auditorium.

Lacey and Stacy only liked me because I wasn't scared to do whatever flip I was told.

Jacey's pretty indifferent about me but who cares. He just replaced Tracey.
"Okay, are there any more nominees for president? Just a reminder that being part of student council means that we get to hang. Anybody wanna hang?"

"Anyone want to hang out? Anyone? Ooh we could come up with our very own complicated high five." Principal Wetherbee looked around as we all stayed silent.

The band started playing behind her as we cleared an aisle for Bucky.

He did front handsprings down it and landed in front of the podium while us cheerleaders waved our pom poms.

He got up on the stage and dodged a high 5 from Wetherbee before stepping up to the mic.

"Great news. We have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year. Me!" We all started clapping and chanting his name, me doing so reluctantly-and very sarcastically.

Just for the record, still hate Bucky.

Suddenly, I saw Zed bouncing/falling down the stairs behind Bucky.

He stood up on the stage and pushed Bucky away. "Zombie strong!" Zed cheered.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zed, and I am running for president." I started cheering full heartedly this time.

"Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky complained.

"Anyone can run for president Bucky!" Addi stepped forward.

"She actually has a point Mr. Bucky." Wetherbee ran off.

"A zombie president? Ew!" The Aceys all said while the rest of the zombies started cheering.

"Okay! If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" Zed started jumping up and down with us, chanting his name.


I opened up the vent and we started climbing out.

"The hybrid is near." I told Willa as her and Wynter stood beside me.

The HybridМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя