Hadlynn pushed past Weldren to greet the soldiers. He grabbed her by the wrist. "They can help us!" She said to him in a stern tone, as she waved to the guards. Relief and joy washed over the men as they recognized their princess. She turned back and frowned at Weldren, who had still not released her arm.

The sound of the wind intensified into a low steady rhythm. Woosh, woosh.

Weldren yanked Aelandra behind his shield as the men in the road were consumed by a torrent of flame. Flames licked at the thick plate of steel, spillng slightly around its edges. The fire from the sky illuminated the maw and scaled underside of a dragon, black as the night as it sped past, and landed hard onto a tower of the castle. It released another fiery breath onto the city below.

The panic and fervor of battle broke into terror as nearby buildings began to burn. Weldren threw down his scalding shield with a clattering clang.

"Not in a thousand years." The Queen gasped, her face white with shock.

"We have to keep moving." Kendreth strode to the front, and took Hadlynn by the hand. He and Weldren shared a nod. Kendreth lead with his shield, through the street and over the bodies, smoke rose from the gaps in their armor. It reeked like burnt hair, and charred flesh.

In only moments, all was silent. The fighting ceased as citizens and soldiers alike retreated into hiding. As the group approached the Smithery, Kelith spotted a trio of warriors. Two of the Bladeward hiding with a crownsguard behind the same cart. Fear had made foes fast friends.

Aelandra was first to the door.

"It's me!" She announced as she entered.
"Landy what're you thinking being out there hurry-" Kore began ushering her in, but blanched when he noticed her royal company. Suddenly, the bearded mountain of a man was runnng his hand through his hair and stumbing over words as he greeted the company.

He used an old rag to wipe down an older chair before offering it to his queen. She explained to Kore their quest and their need for supplies; to which he offered all that he had.

Kelith leaned with both hands on a workbench, trying to steady himself. Trying to unsee the scorched bodies.

"Just like you imagined?" Taldren jeered.

Kelith told himself to ignore the snide remark. Taldren didn't mean it. "Coward." Kelith shot back anyway.

Taldren scoffed. "You're shaking." Then cursed under his breath and moved to stand beside Kendreth.

Kelith pressed one hand on top of the other, and forced the trembling away.

They all took a moment to gather their breaths, and settle their racing hearts. All save Aelandra, who busied herself about the forge. Bringing arms and equiptment to her friends she felt best suited them.

A large square shield for Weldren. A set of ten well balanced daggers for Taldren. With sharpened purple gems on their tips. For Kendreth, a complete suit of ful plate armor, in the style of the crownsguard. he donned it. Fitted chain mail first, then thick plates of steel covered his chest and shoulders and back. Metal greaves and boots went on with long gauntlents.
Until the entire young squire was left silvered and gleaming.

Once fuly armored, he was addressed by the Queen. "I appreciate your eager willingness to serve the crown. You'd risk much for very little, without even the promise of reward. Why?"

Kendreth shifted in the heavy armor, Kelith saw himself in his friends nervous eyes. It didn't happen often, and it was over as quickly as it had begun. As an easy smile spread across his face.

"The strength to protect others is reward enough. It would be wrong of me to not use what I've been given." He spoke steadily his voice didn't fall or faulter.

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