A Heros Farewell

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Taldren turned Keliths hammock over, and he spilled onto the ground.

"We have to talk."

Taldrens voice and the unyielding floor started Keliths day. "Of all of the cotton headed ways-" Kelith began, but the anger in Taldrens eyes stopped him short. No, not anger. Taldrens dark eyes were cold often, but only one thing made them this frigid. Fear. "I've had something to say too." Kelith found his feet.

"Hanley is dead." Taldren threw himself into the chair at the desk, "Not just dead..." His hands shook with his voice as his frozen front began to melt away, "He was cut up, and had the grellions symbol burned onto his chest." He put his face into his hands. 

"What? Are you sure?" The colour ran from Keliths face.

"I was there." Taldren looked straight into Keliths eyes, and then out the window. "Something else was there too."

"What else?" Fear began to swirl in Keliths heart then too.

"I didn't get a good look, but it was big and fast. It broke in through Hanleys coloured window."

"We should take this to Sir Dentren, or the townmaster."

"I'm sure they already know. Whatever did this, it was like it wanted Hanley to be found."

"Old Man Hanley." Kelith shook his head at the floor. "It's like havenhill is coming apart, and we're leaving." He began dressing. "Do you think we're making a mistake? With Dentren coming with us..."

"...The monster will have free reign. I read that Grellion can change their size at will, to favor either their elvish or goblin heritage. Some Elves are damn huge." Taldren flexed both hands at Kelith.

A giggle came from nowhere, and Kelith opened his upturned palm. In a spiral of glittering dust Sprig appeared, seated in the hand. "Elves aren't that BIG!" She kicked her bare dangling feet, and put a hand over her eyes as she threw back her head and laughed

Taldrens jaw hung loose, and he narrowed his eyes at his friend. Kelith bit his tongue, "This is Sprig. She's a pixie, like in The Huntsmans Bride."

"A fairy, actually!"  Sprig shrugged and tucked hair behind her ear.

"She's from a book?" Taldren spoke over her, then raised his vocie. "What in the starry night have you done Kelith!?"

"No she's like a-"

There were three knocks on the door and Kendreth was walking in before the third. Sprig vanished, in a little flash of light. The squire rested his wrist on his sword, and breathed like his knights order had sent him here at top speed. "Which part of 'were setting off at dawn' was unclear to you guys? Half the town is-"

"Kelith has a pixie." Taldren actually pointed a finger.

"I'm a fairy!" Sprig appeared in a rush of wind, leaves, and acorns that clattered across the ground. She fished a branch out of her braided brown hair, and bared her teeth towards Taldren, who recoiled and swatted at her.

Kendreth furrowed his brow at Kelith, then let his eyes lock onto Sprig. "A Fairy." He breathed, and held out cupped hands. Her head twitched at his voice, like she couldn't help but look.

"Kendreth?" She fluttered in his direction, looking all about him, before she landed on his fingertips, with a curtsy. They starred at eachother a moment, and she spoke without leaving Kendreths eyes. "You three are just the heros that I need..."

Kelith cocked his head.

Kendreth smiled.

"No." Taldren bent his brow into a frown. "Didn't you say we were late?"

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