My brothers best friend

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(You're 18 and a senior in this and your brother and his friends are around 19-20 Jeremiah's gonna be 19 in this and they're freshmans-sophmoree in college. I'm gonna make belly and Conrad only 2 year gap)

My older brother was coming come from college and bringing home his friends for some of the break they were gonna stay at our house for a little bit they've all been friends since middle school. It's Steven, Jeremiah, and Conrad. Steven and Conrad are cool but there's always been something about Jeremiah that drew me to him especially in my 6th grade mind when I had met him. Conrad and Jeremiah had met my brother Conrad and when they were a year old. They met Steven through my friend belly but it was in 7th grade I met belly. Conrad's 3 years older than me and belly's basically a sister to me so I guess I just needed somebody to fill my teenage girl scenarios like Jeremiah. I haven't seen Jeremiah for a bit I mean a few times I've seen him but only for like 5 minutes every time.

Jeremiah wouldn't like me like that he probably just sees me as a little sister cause that's how close him and my brother are but a girl can only crush. He's so fine though his curly blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and his freckles I mean anybody would have a crush on him. Trust me and almost everyone has I've seen every girl he's talked to like him. It makes me jealous but I can't do anything not only are we not dating he doesn't even like me that like that so I just have to sit back and watch. It's not like I'm obsessed with him I've talked to other boys and dated other boys but he's just always in the back of my mind.

Jeremiah's pov:

I was going to my friends house Tyler for the break. Only for the first week or so then I was going to goes to my moms house she lived in the same neighborhood and us all being busy from college and working we haven't had time so we thought itd be fun to hang out over break. Tyler had a younger sister Y/N. I remember first meeting her I was in 7th grade and Tyler introduced me to her. I just thought of her as Tyler's little sister until she became I freshman in high school I was a sophomore. She stayed over at her aunts house the whole summer and when she came back she looked like a whole new person. She was gorgeous when she came back she matured a lot. The first day of school I seen her I didn't even know it was Tyler's sister. Ever since then I've seen the woman she is and she has become. She's gorgeous, smart, and kind what more is there to ask for but even though I've never talked to Tyler about it I knew he wouldn't like it so I never tried anything with her.

We started becoming friends soon after that but the feelings started growing so I stopped talking to her and started avoiding her trying to calm down my feelings but every time I seen her they grew so I stopped talking to her whenever I'd see her or just walk past her. I feel like it would be disrespectful to Tyler but she's just everything I've wished for but I can't be with her. Now that I'm staying over Tyler's house it's gonna be hard to avoid her I just hope when I see her I don't feel nothing or maybe she won't even be there for most of the time. I just didn't wanna talk to her it's cause when I'm around her it's just I forget everything and just want her she's intoxicating. I can't think straight around her so it's better to stay away from her at the risk of ruining my friendship with Tyler but if I had the chance I would have her all to myself.

(Back to y/ns POV when they arrive)

My brother and his friends just pulled up. My mom told me go help them with their bags but they'd probably get it all but if decided to still go out and greet them. I was wearing shorts a crop top my hair was messy I should've got a little bit more ready for him.. what no if I keep thinking like that it's gonna ruin the whole week. I go up to my brother give him a hug. It's weird since I don't see him everyday now I  miss him a lot now that he isn't here. He made a smart remark I just roll my eyes. I greet Steven and he says 'I asked belly if she wanted to come over she said to have me ask you' he said 'that's a stupid question Steven duh she can come over' I said laughing. When was belly not allowed at my house. Conrad's face lit up at the mention of belly. Everyone knew they liked eachother besides each other. Every time we try to tell one of them they just push it off deny that they like each other and don't believe that the other likes them.

My eyes drift to Jeremiah who's next to him he was staring at me but once I caught him he stopped and tried not to make eye-contact 'hey jere and Conrad' I yelled signaling for them to come over. They got their bags out of the trunk and came over we all went into the house. I decided to sit in my brothers room and just talk to him. 'So how's college been' I said 'boring. I'm so glad it's break' he said 'how has school been for you' he asked 'I don't know it's just been a lot of stuff about graduating all year so far' i said 'it'll all be over soon but it does get worse at the end of the year but you'll remember it and you'll miss it definitely' he said. 'How I am I supposed to enjoy my last year of high school if I have all this stuff to focus on' I said. 'You're right but I know you make the most of it' he said. I just smiled 'I'm going in my room for a bit I'll see you later' I said 'to sleep' he says I let out a laugh and said 'you know me so well.'

I went in my room and fell asleep. I soon wake up it was around 7 I had fell asleep at 4. Dang 3 hours I didn't think it'd be that long. I threw on a hoodie and leggings did my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs to get a snack. Belly was there and she said 'she's finally awake!! Hey sleeping beauty' I just jokingly rolled my eyes. I go in the pantry and look for a snack. 'We got pizza' Jeremiah said. I swear his voice made me crazy I loved it. I go over there and they're all playing board games and the pizza is on the table next to Jeremiah why does everything have to be so close to him. I go over there and grab a plate I bend over the table and Jeremiah grabs my thigh almost to stabilize me. I was shocked and my face turned a light shade of red he soon let go nobody else seen it since it was under the table I just walk away and sit next to belly. I had to wait until the next game since they were already mid way through. We soon played uno we played a few rounds of that and a few other games. Time was flying by we were all having a good time soon Steven and Conrad left to go get ready for bed and Belly had passed out on the couch. It was just me and Jeremiah and I felt his eyes just piercing into me I tried not to pay attention to it. Tension was getting thicker. I was just gonna get up and leave too before he spoke up 'wanna watch a movie' he said. I looked over at the couch and Conrad had got belly from the couch and put her in her own room. I shook my head yes. I went upstairs and grabbed my blanket.

I sat down on the couch he sat down next to me. He just picked a random movie I've never heard of but he seemed to like it so we were just sitting down. Then he just stole my blanket I yell at him. He lays down and covers himself up laughing at me. I climb on top of him and try to steal my blanket back I eventually did 'come on y/n im cold' he said. 'I am too' I said with an attitude. I then realize what position we're in right now I think he did too. I had my legs on either side of his hips and I was right on top of his... my face turn red and he just was staring at his lap where I was. I was about to get up but he put his hand on my back 'I got an idea' he said he pushes my head down to his chest and takes the blanket out of my hand and covers both of us. He put his hands around my back. I didn't know I needed his touch this much. I wasn't thinking clearly all I was thinking about was Jeremiah and nothing else but him. Nothing rational. I put my hands on his shoulders.

I try to move around and get comfortable I could hear his heart beating. I stopped when I heard him groan in my ear and say 'y/n stop moving please' I stopped in my tracks and only then do I feel him hard under me. I just became a blushing mess I rush to get up embarrassed but he stops me. 'Don't go' he said I didn't know what to do so I just sat there. He then grabbed my inner thigh rubbing it I shuttered at his touch. He was just staring at me taking me all in. I didn't care anymore I just wanted to touch him and that's what I did. I slid my hands under his shirt and traced his abs. His other hand went to my hip that's when I just lost all self control I kissed him. He kissed me back harshly like he was hungry and I'm his dinner. He grabbed my ass and I let a moan into the kiss he took that opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. He picked me up and got up without breaking the kiss. He took us to my room and laid me on my bed.

He stared down at me the look he had in his eyes was unexplainable. He started kissing me again. I pulled away from the kiss and took off his shirt. I was rubbing all over his chest tracing his abs. I start grinding against him. I started kissing him but then we heard a knock at the door.. I go down on the floor quickly and hide under the bed. 'Come in' I heard Jeremiah yell. His bed had his blanket covering under it if it wasn't there we could've definitely been caught. I the door crack open and someone walk in and start talking and it was Tyler...

IM SORRY FOR LIKE THE CLIFFHANGER?? Idk if you could count it as that but I really needed to get this story out and didn't have time to write smut so I'm sorry y'all. But I will be making a part two so don't worry. Also I think I'm gonna be writing a story based off the jealously one shot I made just make it more slow burn. I think it'd be a good story. I have other one shots to write but I will make it to the second part for this one.


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