[26] Pleasant Surprise

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Jason did spend a good time with his family that weekend. He ended up making amends with Bruce too, something that he still felt he couldn't have possibly done. But the impossible had been made possible at last and by the time he returned to Star City, he was feeling much relieved.

It was as if a heavy weight had lifted off his chest and he felt lighter and happier than usual.

The first thing he wanted to do upon reaching Star City was to pay Valerie a visit. But then he noticed the time, realizing that she would be working a shift at the supermarket so he thought he would rather not disturb her during her working hours.

His safe house was empty when he reached, indicating that Roy and Kori had cleared out before his return. A few things were cluttered up as expected so locking the main door securely, he scanned the entire living area, intending to clean it up.

Jason had a habit of keeping his surroundings impeccably clean. Even a single thing out of place would cause him to set everything all over again. As a result, he couldn't stand messy environments as his fingers would start twitching, urging him to pick a mop and brush and start fixing the place himself.

His friends, on the other hand, weren't a very tidy lot. Kori tried to clear up as she knew about his preferences but Roy didn't care at all. He would leave a mess whenever he came to stay over at Jason's which would later end up in a brief quarrel.

But even if Jason pretended to be angry at him for not cleaning up after him, deep down he did not mind it that much. He thought of cleaning as a stress-busting activity so due to Roy, he often got the chance to clean and bring his frayed nerves to normal.

He cleared up the kitchen and living room, washing the dishes that Roy and Kori had left for him in the dishwasher. By the time he got done with it, he was feeling hungry so he decided to cook as well.

He looked in the cabinets and found the ingredients to make pasta for himself. He didn't expect anyone to drop by for company so he only took half of the macaroni from the packet and filled up the saucepan with water.

The doorbell rang shortly after, taking him by surprise. He lowered the flame on the stove and came out to check.

As he opened the door, he was engulfed in a tight delighted hug from Valerie. Seeing her there, a smile spread on his face as well and he brought her in.

"Sorry for barging in unannounced but I wanted to surprise you," she said as she broke off the hug, placing a light kiss on his cheek.

"I had been longing to see you ever since I came back," he admitted.

"Oh, then why didn't you?"

"Because I knew you would be at work and didn't want to disturb you," his arms wrapped around her waist lightly, pulling her close for a kiss.

"You can never be a disturbance," she remarked, smiling through the kiss as she let him deepen the moment.

But the sound of water boiling over broke their moment and Jay remembered that he had the stove on. He went to the kitchen to check, his hand entwining with hers as he brought her along too. It was clear that he had missed her and didn't want to let go for even a second.

"What are you making?"

"Pasta," he replied, "you're staying for dinner, right?"


He added more macaroni and rearranged everything to make pasta for two people instead of just one.

"So how did you know I had come back from Gotham?" He asked, watching her busy herself with making the cream paste for the pasta.

"Kori texted me that you would be coming back today although she didn't tell me the time," she replied.

"And you came all the way here without confirming. What if I really wasn't at home?"

"Then I would have left. But the surprise was worth the risk," a soft smile graced her features at that remark. She caught him giving her that adorable lovestruck look and she laughed, poking his arm with her finger, "pay attention to what you're doing, Jay. Or else you will end up burning your hand."

"No, I won't. I could cook with my eyes closed."

She seemed impressed, "really?"

"Yup. But I don't want to have my eyes closed right now," he flirted, earning another light laugh from her, "or else how would I be able to see you?"

Her cheeks shaded red and she shook her head, "you flatter me."

He had closed the lid of the saucepan and came to her, pushing back the bowl as he placed his hands on either side of her at the counter. He could feel her heartbeat quicken and her grey eyes trail down to his lips as she too wanted to kiss him.

"Valerie," he breathed out her name in a soft whisper, watching the hue on her cheeks deepen and her lips part ever so slightly.

She was just so damn irresistible, he thought, closing the gap between them as he connected their lips together. No other feeling could compare to the rush of adrenaline he felt whenever he was that close to her.

He was beyond addicted.

Her gentle touch, her soft lips, and her enticing scent all intoxicated him much more than any other drug could. Her presence brought a calm to his raging soul that he craved to keep with him at all times.

Right then, her fingers brushed delicately over his face as she pulled apart to catch her breath. her eyes were focused on him and a smile played upon her beautiful features as she spoke, "looks like you don't want to have dinner tonight that's why you've been ignoring the food."


He reluctantly had to let go of her and tend to the food. She hugged him from behind, watching him cook.

"You know what was the first impression I gave of you to Sarah?" She spoke up and he turned to briefly look at her with a smile.

"What did you say?"

"I said it felt like I had struck the lottery," her light laugh punctuated that remark, "a pretty face and a cook. Total jackpot."

His smile widened and he took out the delicious pasta into the serving dish, "appreciate the compliment."


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