[13] Midnight Date

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"Did the drill machine get loose on work again?"

She asked playfully as she stepped in through the door, her arms flung around his neck in a tight hug. It had been a while since she had last seen him and the first thing she noticed were the scratches on his face but instead of asking him directly, she had put it as a joke.

"Sort of," he replied, a smile tugging on his face as he nestled his head in her neck, inhaling her floral scent that worked quite like an intoxicant on him.

She laughed but the sound drowned in as his lips closed upon hers, his face held in between her palms. Each time he kissed her, it felt as if he had been deprived of something he was badly addicted to and couldn't restrain himself when he was finally allowed a taste.

When she pulled apart, her grey eyes were sparkling with mischief as she kissed those scratches on his face delicately, her lips a flutter of a butterfly against his skin.

"Stop," he groaned, "I had thought of taking you somewhere but if you keep going like this, I will just end up taking you to my room."

"Oh, so you planned a date?" She stopped, asking the question with her eyes lighting up.


"Sweet," she smiled, letting go of him as he placed her down on her feet, "so where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"I love surprises," she laughed, following him out to where his car was parked. 

She was wondering where he was going to take her because the sky had darkened and they had both had dinner already. There weren't many options left to go for an outing or a date as he had said.

She was looking out the window as they left the town behind, the empty roads indicating that not many people were out unlike them. At last, he parked when he reached the destination and she saw that he had brought her to the seaside.

"I thought everyone has seen the beach during the daytime, why not visit it at night this time?" He remarked as they got out of the car and she had already kicked off her shoes, sinking her feet into the cool sand.

"Jason, sometimes you act as if you can read my mind," she took his hand, taking him close to the water, "did I ever tell you that I love coming to the beach?"

"Not yet but now I know."

The sky was dotted with stars and the environment around them was very tranquil; exactly how he felt each time he was with her. Calm, serene, and comfortable.

The silence was due to there not being many people around and the sound of the waves striking the shore could be heard very clearly. But in all that beautiful atmosphere, his eyes focused on the nymph-like creature twirling in delight.

Valerie was beyond excited to be at the beach and he couldn't help but smile at her excitement. 

"I wanna go for a dip," she spoke up.

"The water will be cold," he remarked but didn't stop her as she walked closer to the waves, following behind her.

"Who cares? Not I," she shrugged off the warning, dipping her feet into the icy cold water and a peel of laughter escaped her.

It was colder than she expected.

"Valerie, don't go too far," he reached out and held her hand in his, "can't afford to have you get lost or drowned here."

"Oh I am sure you will never let me slip from your fingers," she teased, her fingers interlacing through his as she pulled him deeper.

The water truly was cold so he held her close to him, not wanting her to get sick afterward. but she seemed like a child, splashing about and having fun.

Fill My Lungs | J. Todd ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ