chapter 2

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Ink made his way through the vibrant and bustling streets of Underswap, a parallel universe filled with swapped versions of the classic undertale characters. On his way to find where Blueberry was at he finds Dream, also looking for Blueberry. They were on their way to find their friend who always brought a smile to their faces with his infectious optimism.

As they found the spot Blueberry was at, Blueberry started bouncing up and down with excitement. His eyes widened as he saw his two friends approaching, and he rushed towards them, wrapping them in a tight embrace. "Ink! Dream! It's been way too long! I'm so happy to see you guys!"

The trio exchanged warm greetings, catching up on their respective adventures since their last encounter. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories, basking in each other's company. Little did they know that their peaceful reunion was about to be interrupted.

Suddenly, a flurry of dark energy crackled through the air, signaling the arrival of Error, Killer, Horror, and Nightmare, they are 4 of multiple members of the infamous group known as the Bad Sanses,Their leader Nightmare being the brother of Dream. Their intentions were to cause chaos,and they had a reputation for destroying AU's wherever they went.

Ink, Dream, and Blueberry immediately went on high alert, their expressions turning serious. They knew that the Bad Sanses's presence meant trouble was brewing. Ink instinctively reached for his trusty paintbrush, Broomy, which he always kept by his side to combat adversaries. But to his dismay, he remembered he left it at the Doodle Shpere.

Ink cursed under his breath, frustrated by his idiocy. The absence of his paintbrush meant he was at a disadvantage in this encounter. Error, notorious for his manipulation of glitches, immediately recognized the opportunity presented to him.

"Look who's defenseless!" Error sneered, his grin widening. "No Broomy to save the day this time, huh, Ink? You're in for a surprise."

"Crap..I'm doomed." Ink mumbled under his breath, as he tried to seem like he wasn't worried. "STAY AWAY FROM OUR FRIEND ERROR!" Dream and Blueberry yelled in sync

"And if I don't what are you two going to do about it, attack me and let Nightmare and the others destroy Underswap?" Error sneered. Dream and Blueberry look stressed and out of the blue Killer attacks Dream.

"OH STARS-" Blueberry yells "DREAM, ARE YOU OKAY?"  Dream manages to get Killer away "Yep, I'm fine" Dream gives Blueberry a thumbs up

I'm sorry I'm leaving this on a cliffhanger, we have been working really hard on this chapter and it's kinda long

Haha cliffhangers, a readers worst nightmare

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