25. morgan

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I sit against a wall and dig my head into my legs, sobbing quietly. I flinch suddenly at a knock at the door.

"Morgan?" Matthews voice floods from the door and into the room.

"Go away! I never want to see you again." I yell, crying louder.

"She's just stunned. She will get over it."

"This was a terrible idea, starting something with you! I knew I shouldn't have ever kissed you."

A silence draws and I hear Matthew breathing loudly.

"Look all I'm trying to do is comfort you. You're the one who wanted me in the first place."

I rush to the door and open it. I'm so mad I could slap him across the face.

"Don't act like you never wanted me." I say, feeling my face turning red, but I don't care.

"Not everything's always my fault."

"You're right, the world doesn't revolve around you."

"It doesn't revolve around you either!" He snaps back.

"I hate you."

"Fuck you."

I slap him across the face. He looks at me in disbelief and walks away to his room, slamming the door. The tears rush back to my eyes and I call my mom.

"Hello? Morgan?" She says on the phone.

"Hi mom." I reply, my voice breaking.

"Woah is everything okay?"

I wipe my eyes and take a deep breath. "Can you come get me please?"

"Honey, you're only a few weeks into staying at the Graham's. What happened?"

"Hailey and I got into a huge fight and she doesn't want me here anymore." I break down into tears.

I stay on the phone with my mom for the next hour or so. She tells me that she can't come get me until tomorrow afternoon so I'll have to wait until then. I'll admit that it was annoying and I wish I could've left sooner, but I'm glad that she even understood that this was a big fight and I had to leave.

The first thought that came to my mind was I had to pack my stuff up. I was grabbing everything around the room that was mine and I stuffed it all in my suitcase.

I hadn't checked my phone in a while, so when I turned it on, I noticed I was removed from the lake house group chat. I didn't cry much over that, since it was kind of obvious that it was going to happen. I look in the mirror and fix my makeup, but my eyes are still red and my face is as puffy as a marshmallow.

I didn't see Hailey for the rest of the day. I assumed she was out with friends and I didn't bother texting her anymore than I already did.

"Kids dinner!" I hear Ms. Graham yell from downstairs. I face Matthew and turn away quickly, getting downstairs as fast as possible.

Dinner was awkward enough. Hailey didn't show up until we were all almost done eating. I didn't look up once until she showed up, but she refused to look at me.

"So Ms. Graham, what did you do today?" I clear my throat, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Oh, I went for a nice paddle board and then sat on the dock." She smiles, "And where were you, Hails?" She turns to the late dinner guest.

"I was just with Alexis. Ive noticed that she's a true friend lately and I only want to surround myself around those kinds of people."

That one stung. Nobody spoke for the rest of dinner. Hailey left again shortly after she finished eating and I helped Ms. Graham clean the kitchen.

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