45. Better Together

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Nivedya left Rudra speechless, and he cursed himself for being liberal in front of his children. He decided to later explain to Nivedya the difference in their situations. When the exercise session was over, everyone thanked the instructor and headed to get ready for their respective duties.

Nimrit called her father from the landline and was happy to learn her mother could now sit independently. Amber also encouraged Nimrit to give Nivedya a chance to help her overcome her phobia. He wasn't sure how will he pay back the help, the Singh family was doing. He knew his daughter was safe with them, and he only had to worry about his wife whose situation was out of danger but critical.

Nimrit came early for breakfast and hugged Nandini from behind surprising her. "You are a magician. Thank you for settling the storm inside me."

"Only I can hug my mother like that." Nivedya jumped the stairs and pulled his mother out of Nimrit's hug. Before Nandini could protest, she became a rope in the tug-of-war of a hug. She brought Nivedya and Nimrit close and hugged them together. Nivedya took his chance and slid his hand behind Nimrit's back making her gasp. He smirked at his victory and Nimrit gave him a warning that he overlooked.

Nandini was happy to see the young couple happy, but Rudra was concerned with Nivedya's behaviour. He was quiet at breakfast and spoke only when necessary. He had his faith in his son but lovers have never obeyed any rules and the previous night's CCTV footage of the passage worried him further. The way Nivedya went to Nimrit's room was very intense and concerning. Nimrit's unusually happy self made him suspicious of the reason. He decided to discuss the matter with Nandini and ask for her opinion.

Nimrit and Nivedya sat on the same seat of the school bus even after Collin's protest. He faked tears and accused Nimrit of stealing his buddy on the bus too.

The day at school was uneventful and boring as there was no activity class that day.

On their way back home, Collin purposefully sat next to Nivedya and Nimrit mouthed him "Grow up". She sat on the seat behind them and a senior sat next to her. He was continuously talking to Nimrit much to Nivedya's dislike. When he asked Nimrit to give him her number, Nivedya turned behind and glared at him. Even though he was a senior he felt scared.

"She is my girl, so, move your ass from here, and dare I see you anywhere close to her," Nivedya warned him in a deep, slow yet frightening tone. Nivedya had a smile of satisfaction and victory on his face but when he saw Nimrit giving him a death glare, his smile wiped out and he sat back in his seat.

Collin sympathised with him and told him, "See you tomorrow, dude, if you are alive."

"She will kill me. Save me, buddy." Nivedya was not ready to get down on his stop because he knew Nimrit wouldn't like what he did. But he was green-eyed and he had the right to shoo away any admirers his girl had.

"I'll visit your grave daily with a box of chocolates. I promise." Collin pushed Nivedya out of the bus and waved him bye like it was the last time he saw his friend.

Nivedya inhaled deeply and ran to catch Nimrit who didn't go inside Nivedya's home but was walking on the pavement outside. "I... I... am sorry for what happened. I just... Shit! Are you very angry?"

Nimrit did not want Nivedya to again taunt her with the "dozen boyfriends" comment so she asked him straight. "Do you still not trust me enough?"

Nivedya stopped Nimrit and made her look into his eyes. The shine in her eyes had dimmed and Nivedya realised it was he who had to build trust in their relationship. "I am a man of honour Nimrit. When I gave you my word last night, I meant it. Having said that, you have to accept the possessiveness in me. I hate any boy flirting with you and that douchebag was doing just that. How could he ask for your number?"

Nivedya pulled Nimrit closer and affirmed, "If I have to climb Everest and shout to the world that this girl standing in a royal blue skirt and blazer with a white shirt and blue striped tie, the one who has the prettiest face and purest soul is "mine", I would."

Nimrit inched closer to Nivedya and swore, "I have never felt so treasured, Nivi."

They were lost gazing at each other, standing on the pavement when a gang of five masked men came from nowhere and separated them. Before they could register and react, one of the masked men hit Nivedya on his head so hard that he fell to the ground. Nimrit didn't shout or struggled. She surrendered to them easily. Nivedya tried to get up, but they held him to the ground and gestured to each other to take Nimrit away. Nivedya warned the masked men to leave them, but he felt dizzy. Still, he tried to get up and fight with them. One of them kicked Nivedya on his knees and he yelped in pain. Nimrit was just watching everything blankly like a rock on the beach.

"Nimr-Nimrit- help..." Nivedya pushed the man holding him and struggled to reach Nimrit. Nimrit finally blinked her eyes on hearing Nivedya's voice and registered what was happening. Nivedya was hurt and needed help. She had to save him. Her brain was prepared and signalled her to shout for help and fight with the men hurting Nivedya but she couldn't do anything.

"Nimrit... run. NIMRIT." Nivedya shouted out loud to jerk Nimrit and she wanted to take action but she just couldn't.

Before another punch could land on Nivedya's face, Nimrit came out of the grip of the men and pushed the man punching Nivedya aside. The men got alerted and were about to charge on them but Nimrit picked a stone from the ground and threw it at one of the men.

"Nivi, get up, Nivi." Nimrit covered Nivedya like a shield and picked up more stones. "Do not step ahead." She warned them and screamed for "HELP" like a mad woman. The security at Nivedya's house reached the spot and the masked men ran away. "Nivi, get up, Nivi. Please... get up." Nimrit's eyes were filled with saline water and she shook Nivedya who was squinting his eyes to see.

The security personnel helped them and got them inside the house. "Sir, please sit down." The head of the security team prompted and Nivedya sat on the sofa of the living room.

Nandini was home because Rudra had requested her to keep an eye on the juveniles. But she was clueless about the horrific incident that took place outside their house. She was briefed about what happened and she was happy Rudra pestered her to stay home.

"How did you take so much time to reach? Our house is well covered under CCTV. You spot any activity as it happens. What if, something worse happened?!" Nandini questioned the security and they told her, a tree was obstructing the view of the point where the incident happened. Hence, they got late in reaching and reacting. They apologised for the delay and assured her that it won't be repeated in the future. Nandini dismissed them and tended to the kids.

Nimrit wasn't physically hurt but Nivedya was hit on his head and a few other places. Nandini called Arya to come for checking Nivedya while she did the basic first-aid. Rudra and Arya arrived as quickly as they could and Arya checked Nivedya but didn't detect any major issues. Though he suggested if his head ached they could go for further observations and testing.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and Nivedya was escorted to his room for resting. Arya proceeded to check on Nimrit but she said she was fine and went to her room for changing her clothes.

When Nimrit came back, Rudra, Nandini, and Arya were sipping tea and discussing the matter. Rudra asked her to tell them what exactly happened if she was comfortable.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. You all have been so nice to me, to my family but your niceness has put you in trouble. They wanted to kidnap me and pressurise Papa for information. Their plan failed earlier so they attempted again. I am sorry Nivi had to suffer because of me. I know you are too kind and might not agree, but I have packed my stuff, and I will stay with Papa at the hospital. I cannot put anyone in danger. I am sorry." Guilt had filled Nimrit and she felt responsible for Nivedya's suffering. The sight of Nivedya lying almost unconscious on the ground and the thought of what the goons could do to him shivered her to the core.

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