I took out my phone to arrange another night with Damon but before I could type anything, my phone was yanked out my hand by Miss Black.

"Hey the fuck, give it back" I went to reach for it but she beat me to it and stuffed it down her pants, how fucking rude and childish.

"You'll get it back at the end of the day" she told me and I scoffed and thought about reaching for it.

"You don't think I'll reach in there and get it" I challenged her and she turned to me and smirked.

"If you want to keep your job, I suggest you don't" she told me and I bite my lip, fuck what do I do... I let her have it, but next time, I'm reaching for my phone.

Finally 5pm, time to go home and I looked to Miss Black and she leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath.

"Halfway there" she said and I hummed in response.

"Yeah nearly done, my phone please" I asked nicely and she looked at me.

"For how late you was today and that outfit, I don't think you should have your phone back" she said and stood up and I stood with her.

"This isn't school and me being unprofessional so are you, stop being a bitch and give it back" I told her, not caring I called her a bitch but she just smugly smiled and grabbed her jacket and bag.

"Not helping your case" she said and left the office, I quickly followed and went into the elevator with her as she pressed the ground floor.

"We're out of office hours correct?" I asked her and she nodded, perfect. I reached in her pants making her grab my wrist as I felt something I don't think I should off, I quickly retracted my hand and blushed hard.

As the elevator got to our floor, I quickly said goodbye and ran out the elevator and ran out of there to my car and took a breath I didn't know I was holding and quickly drove home.

She has a dick.

A dick.

Oh my gosh.

As I got home I didn't bother going in, I jumped across the yard and ran into Caleb and Conor's house they saw me straight away looking frazzled and quickly came to my side and led me into the lounge and then Caleb went to get me some water.

"Breath sweetheart it's okay" Conor told me and rubbed my back and Caleb came back and handed me the water and I took a sip.

"What happened?" Caleb asked and sat on the table in front of me.

"I've been having sex with Damon then I went to work, new boss, she's a bitch, had more sex with Damon, went to work late, still on a sex high, went to text and boss took my phone and put it in her pants, after worked, I reached for it... she has a dick" I spewed out but luckily they understood my rants.

"Did your boss do or say anything?" Conor asked me and I shook my head.

"I don't think she thought I'd do it and even worse, she still has my fucking phone" I said and lay back angry with myself.

"Well does it bother you she had a dick?" Caleb asked and I looked at him like he was mad.

"Are you crazy? I found it fucking hot, I grabbed it, it was so thick, fuck I can't get it out of my head" I told them and they just smiled and laughed at me.

"It's not funny, I need my phone back, I won't get it back until tomorrow" I cried out.

"I'm sure you'll live, we have extra food, do you want some?" Caleb asked and I nodded and followed them into the kitchen.

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