Chapter 1 Run away, darling

Start from the beginning

"You wanna be a hero? Then stay and save them! but we're leaving" Tom said as he turned around, grabbed someone's rifle (sa80 rifle), and walked out of the tent. Dale followed Tom out but stopped to help one of his companions with the packing. Meanwhile, Tom went to one of the jeeps to get ready and leave. He was about to open the jeep door but a hand stopped him, it was a female soldier. "I'll drive sir" was all she said, Tom noticed when she went in the jeep that she was missing an ear. But he didn't question, only nodded and walked to the passenger seat, holding his rifle. The female started the jeep and they started to drive, though they drove very slowly, some soldiers jumped onto the jeep while others threw some packages onto the jeep. Tom looked back making sure of how many there were on the jeep. Everything seemed quite calm at the moment, well except for the panicking soldiers running around. Some even started to fight with each other, it was irritating, they were fighting over if they should escape or to stay and be a hero.

After a while they got out of the unit, everything seemed to be quite peaceful. The dirty snow on the ground, Tom looked to the distance where there used to be buildings, life, people, but now the only thing inhabiting the front line was broken down building masses with dead bodies and busted cars left behind. It was so quiet, it could make anyone go insane. At the moment the only sound Tom could hear however was the jeep engine. But he turned his head when the female let out a chuckle "Wow, you didn't even ask me" she said. Tom only looked at her and raised a brow. "Ask you what?" "About my ear and face, my scars' ' she answered. I've seen worse, Tom bitterly thought as he remembered a certain commie. "Well, where did you get them?" Tom asked, not because he necessarily cared but because he needed background noise. The female sighed "I worked for the red army" Now this made Tom look over, was she a spy?. "I was under his rule, it was horrible, the red leader is and will always be a monster" Yeah? try being his roommate then, Tom thought but didn't say anything, he doesn't want to start some debate of who had it worse with the commie. Tom only nodded to her. "You'll never know what it was like" Tom would have laughed, but only nodded. Probably due to a lack of response, she stopped talking, Tom was somewhat grateful for that blessing.

Tom jumped in his skin when the jeep bounced on the deserted and old path. A cold chill ran down his spine when he heard a high-pitched whine and worried curses from the soldiers in the back. Tom turned around to see a "sentiel". His eyes widened, he had to react fast, because the small red army robot was going for a dive at them. Tom didn't waste much time on opening the jeep window and fixing the rifle in his hands. On the moving vehicle, he aimed at the cursed red army robot. It took him around 3 shots till he actually hit the damn thing, but it wasn't over. When he looked up he saw almost a sky full of these sentiels. "oh fuck" was the only thing could manage to say at that moment. That damned commie bastard why couldn't he just die?.

Looking over at the others in the back, he had to get them to move too if they all wanted to get out alive. "HEY! don't just sit there and be worthless! grab your rifles and shoot damn it!!" This seemed to wake up some of the scared to death soldiers. They grabbed their rifles and aimed, so did Tom. Tom saw one of the far back jeeps explode, a sentiel got them, he saw the explosion become smaller and smaller, yet he could still see some soldiers trying to get out from the burning pile. This destruction, however, would cost Tom a lot, they were already near the area where they'd be picked up by helicopters, but a sentiel managed to go under the jeep they were in and the jeep exploded making Tom fall out of the now burning vehicle.

But due to the adrenalin rush that followed he managed to get up, the ringing in his ears was loud. He saw one of his unit-mates struggle so without thinking went to help, they'd have to run the rest of the way. The man accepted Tom's help and both started to run to the area. They didn't see anyone else from the jeep.

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