Never Before

547 8 16

I'm starting to give hints about why did Jj do what he did, so read carefully..


~The next morning~

-On the phone with Sarah-

Y/n "You don't have to. I love taking care of her "

Sarah "Yeah but isn't it hard for you to do it with Jj? "

Y/n "Ok, it's a nightmare! Is that what you want me to say? I miss him so fucking much! "

Sarah "See? That's why I'm saying to send a real babysitter! I know how much you love Jj and until you're completely and one hundred percent over him, I don't want to be the one that gives you a hard time being around him "

Y/n "You think I'll get over him? "

Sarah "Well.. yes.. I mean, it's not like you were married or something "

Y/n "Yeah.. "

Sarah "Oh my god! Were you married?! "

Y/n "what the fuck?! No! "

Sarah "Thank god.. Anyway, I have to go "

Y/n "Sure "

Sarah "I'll send a babysitter, she'll pick Lizzie up tonight "

Y/n "Okay " you sigh

Sarah "She'll take her at our place, okay? "

Y/n "Yeah "

Sarah "Alright, bye "

You hang up

"Play! " you hear Lizzie call you

"It's my turn? " you ask and she nods

~Jj's Pov~

Jj and John b are sitting on the porch

"Bro, I heard her! " Jj is pacing back and forth in front of John b who is lying on the hammock

"Look, I'm not surprised she said she still loves you " John b says "I mean, it's been only like a week since you broke up. You can't lose feelings that quickly "

"Yeah but maybe I should at least try- " Jj tries to say but John b cuts him off, jumping off the hammock

"Jj, stop it! " he grabs him by the shoulders stopping him from pacing "Remember why you did what you did? "

"Yeah " Jj clenches his jaw

"You did the right thing, Jj " John b reassures him "Maybe not in the right way, but.. "

"There was no other way, John b.. " Jj says softly

"You're right " John b lies back on the hammock

"What if I still love her, too, though? " Jj takes a step closer to John b

"Then.. " John b looks away "You should find someone else "

"What? " Jj widens his eyes

"You want to get over her, right? " he asks and just keeps staring at him "The best way to move on from your ex, is find someone else "

"Do you listen to yourself?! " Jj starts freaking out

"Jj, calm down! "

"I can't! " Jj yells back and a weird silence follows

"Sit down " John b says with a calm voice
and Jj sits on the hammock next to him

"Imagine having to push Sarah away from you.. " Jj says softly and John b finally starts to understand "I don't want to move on, John b " Jj tears up

"Alright " John b sits straighter on the hammock, paying more attention to what the heartbroken blonde boy has to say "Talk to me "

Jj stays silent for a while staring into space, and then speaks "These past few months have been the best months in my life. I have never felt like I do when I'm around her. I've never been so happy before, bro. I've never felt so loved and in love at the same time before " Jj sighed "Remember when I told you that I wanted something normal in my life? " Jj turns to look at the brunette boy

"Yeah.. " John b nods

"She was it. She wasn't something normal, but she made me feel normal. She was everything I ever wanted, and I know she wasn't perfect, but she was to me. She is to me. And the fact that I'm the one that hurt her, kills me. I know I don't deserve her, okay? He reminds me every single fucking day. But sometimes, when she holds me in her arms at nights and plays with my hair to stop me from shaking, it feels right. And I know for a fact that she might find someone better, but I won't. Because I don't want someone else. I want her. I need her. I love her. I'm in love with her, and I always will be " Jj wipes away his tears. He couldn't believe he was crying in front of his best friend, who btw was staring at him with his eyes wide open

"These past few days, have been the worst days of my life. I barely eat, I feel like shit, I even faint in my room " Jj starts getting nervous that he finally says all this to someone "I miss her so much. I miss her laugh, her smile, her face, her craziness, her voice.. I miss her stealing my shirts and hoodies, I miss her wearing my rings and hats, I miss her calling me 'jayj', I miss her sleeping next to me, because now her side of the bed feels sad to look at.. "

"I didn't know you felt like that.. " John b says speechless

"You know nothing.. " Jj mumbles

"Is there anything I can do? " John b asks

"Bring my Y/n back to me " Jj looks at his friend and he stays silent



This is too cheesy and Idk if I like it, but I hope you enjoyed.. 🤍

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