The Promise Ring

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-a month ago-

You and Jj are lying on the sand, your head resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist and the sound of the waves in the background

"I saw you first" Jj whispers in your ear

"What? " you ask and look up at him

"I saw you first the day we met" he repeats

You smile and listen carefully what he says, admiring those little things he remembers about you

"We got out of the Twinkie and headed to the sea, and that's when I saw you. You were surfing, I was the first one to notice, and called the rest to see you" he said looking at the sky

"Was I that good?" you smile and he looks down at you laughing and then back at the sky

"Meh" he teases you and you shove him

"And then?"

"When you got out, I wanted to talk to you, but I was with Kiara" he sighs "Sarah came up and talked to you, and I tried to push you away.. "

"Why? " you ask softly

"Because I knew I fell for you.. " he said and a smirk was drown on his face

"Really? " you laugh a bit

"Actually, I hadn't realized I was in love with you, yet. I was afraid that I'd fall for you while I was dating Kie, but I knew it was too late when we spend a whole night talking. you probably don't remember it, but it was at the chateau. I was sitting there cuz I couldn't sleep and you came and sat next to me. We ended up getting even more drunk and high, if that's possible, and laughing so hard. You were talking about random stuff, but I wanted to keep listening to you for the rest of my life. I had already fallen for you, y/n." He looks down at you to see you smiling widely, slightly blushing, and places a kiss on your lips and then your forehead

"I love you, Jj Maybank" you say resting your head once again on his chest

"Hey, you know what? " he gets up and helps you up, too

"What's happening? "

"I got this ring for you yesterday" he opens his bag and pulls out a ring with your initials craved on it

you smile harder the more you look at it "Oh, Jj, you know I do" you joke

"Look--I know we're too young, and we haven't been dating for that long, so this is not a wedding ring. It's a promise ring" he reaches out for your hand and hold it, while in the other he holds the ring

"What does that mean? " you ask confused as to what is going on

"It means.. " he pulls you closer "that whatever happens, you promise me that we will have a future together" you move your faces closer and rest your foreheads on each other's "because I want to marry you one day, y/n"

"Alright" you roll your eyes smiling "I promise" he smiles back and puts the ring on your finger

"And I got the same one already on" he smitks and shows you his finger with the exact same ring on it

"Oh matching rings" you laugh "cheesy"

"Talking about cheese.. " he grabs the bag still holding hands with you "Wanna go grab something to eat? " you walk away together


You and Sarah are lying on the same hammock facing each other, in a comfortable silence. You catch her staring at your hand with an unpleasant look on her face

"What's wrong? " you ask

"You gave him the ring? " she says softly

You look at the finger the ring used to be on "Yeah" you look away

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