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Reiner pov

Bertolt turned as we was on the wall and kicked a breach on the wall rose. Y/n got blown off the wall and Eren went to attack but the colossal titan vanished before we have a chance the hit him. I jumped off the wall to get y/n as he didn't any gear and was falling freely. Titan started flooding in and we was demanded to evacuate the civilians. I grabbed y/n and got him gear at the air suppliers.

As I help him put his gear on, Annie and Bertolt had met up with us.

"The colossal titan is Bertolt?" Y/n asked pointing at Bertolt.

"Yeah, and Reiner is the armored tian, I'm the female." Annie explained. As we talked our comrades were being slaughtered around us.

"What are you guys talking about?" We turned around and saw Marcos scared confused face and my eyes went wide. Y/n watched as we took his gear.

"What are you doing?!! Annie!! I thought we were comrades!!?" Marco screamed as I held him down. "Please!! Please!! I don't want to die here!!! Don't kill me!!"
Annie looked up at Marco with terror filling her eyes.

"You did well, Annie. This is what makes up warriors." I said before Annie threw Marcos gear through the window and we ran off but y/n didn't follow. He stood there staring at the titan with no care in the world.

"Just wait!! Why are you in such a hurry to kill me!???" Marco yelled. "I don't get it! How come!?? Why aren't you guys willing to talk to me?!!! Why?!!"

I didn't even think about how close Marco and y/n was until I saw his face. Y/n watched as Marco was devoured with his body shaking and terror covering his face. Or maybe it was the fact that Marco was dying, but the fact that, that titan was the titan that killed his family.

Sparks started to form around him as he muttered to himself. "Annie, he's about to..." before I could finish rage came over him and he turned into a 17 meter titan. Sharp teeth was exposed as a cold breeze came over us. There were ice covering his hands like claws.

He jumped onto the titan not even touching the nape of it neck till the end. He ripped it to pieces until there was nothing left but the nape and even than stomped in it.

"Y/n!!!" Annie screamed. "Don't do it!!! Get out of there!!" Y/n ignored her and punch the building we was on than screamed. "He's lost control..." Annie mumbled.

"He didn't..." Bertolt said. "He moved us." He pointed to a titan that was behind us. Titans started surrounding us and we had to get out but Annie refused to leave y/n.

"You'll freeze if your on him!!" I yelled grabbing her arm.

"Y/n!!" Annie yelled making him looked at us with the most gut wrenching eyes. "Your training!!" His eyes filled with rage as cold air was brown from his mouth. "Kill all those fucking bastards for you brother." Annie yelled making him run to the nearest titan and rip it's head off. He had went on a rampage, killing any titan he saw.

Is this how they trained him. He was raised to be a killing machine. They wanted him to leave so he'd turn out like this. They told us to break the wall cause they knew he was here. They did it all on purpose, they planned it all out.

No wonder why his family left.

He had ran into Eren who was also a titan and ripped his arm off before getting dragged away by other titans. The titans started to consume his titan form, he couldn't get out, he was stuck.

"What do we do? He's gonna die?" Annie said in a panic.

"We get him out." I said as we shot off to to rescue him. We killed the titans around him while everyone was focused on Eren.

He stood up and started wobbling as he walked. He fell over into a building than slammed into the ground making a loud bang. When he emerged from the nape, he was screaming and crying which got everyone's attention.

Annie ran to him and tried to calm him. "I killed him!!!" He screamed as he crawled away from Annie with tears running down his face. "I'm a monster!! I killed Marco!!" His words hit me like a rock.

Does he genuinely think he killed Marco.

I ran to him. "Y/n, y/n!" I yelled getting his attention. "Y/n, it was a mistake. His gear was broken."

"I was right there!!" He screamed as his eyes grew wide and his body going tense. "I could've saved him!! I could've done something!!" Does he not remember us taking his gear. "It's all my fault?"

No one could believe he was crying to hard, nor that fact he cared so much. Was the old him still inside him?

"We all stood there, no one of us knew what to do." Annie said making his body grow less tense.

"Annie, I'm a killer..." his voice grew silent.

"We all are." I said making his cry harder. "That little crybaby still in there." I said trying to making him smile and it work for just a moment before his eyes rolled back and he fell the the ground. A soldier was behind him with a stern face and had knocked him unconscious.

"Are you friend with this beast?" He asked with his eyes narrowed.

"We meet in the trainee camp." I stated as we stood up.

"We'll need you to leave so we can put him under custody." He said grabbing y/n's hand and throwing his over his shoulder.

"They caught us..." Bertolt mumbled.

"Not yet, y/n's smarter than he looks." Annie said making us look at her.

"We're keeping you up to that one."

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