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I woke up to someone hitting my head, when I opened my eyes I saw Annie.

"Girls aren't allowed in the boys cabin." I said shaking my head. She turned around and glared at Reiner.

"Theirs no other way you would've woken up." Annie said. "Now you have training so put on you harness." She said handing me a harness before leaving the cabin.

I put the harness on before walking out with Reiner and Bertolt. We were doing hand to hand combat training.

"So like training at Marley?" I asked getting Reiner eyes to widen.

"Absolutely not." Reiner said.

"Why not, it's the same thing." Bertolt said with a confused expression.

"We went through regular training, y/n went through elite association training." Reiner said. "Of course he's a different person now."

"Y/n, you can come train with me." A boy said. He had brown hair and green eyes. "I don't really have anyone to train with."

"Y/n, that's Eren." Bertolt said pointing at the boy.

"Oh, I want to train with Annie." I said walking off to find her all by herself. "I want to train with you."

"Okay, get ready." She said as she got into her fighting stance and I grabbed the wooden knife. I charged at her and she laid me on my ass.

"Again." I said and I was laid on my ass time and time again. Eren and Reiner walked over and challenged her to a spar. And they both got laid on their asses. "Annie? Again." I called but she refused and told me to go train with Eren. "Eren? Do you want to train with me." I asked.

"Yeah?" He said and got into a fighting stance and I just grabbed the wooden knife. He charged at me and I got down and kicked his legs right from under him. A black haired girl walked over a bit mad. She challenged me to a fight her but I refused and told her to fight Eren.

The next said we was doing odm gear training, Annie was astounding at it but when I got up there I slammed my head on the ground. Keith told me to go last and I walked over to Annie.

"Annie." I wined. " I couldn't do it like you did."

"They gave you a second try with Eren." she said as she rubbed my shoulder. "Didn't you learn this on training?"

"They just showed me other people doing it." I said as I rubbed my forehead.

"Y/n white?!" Keith yelled and I walked back up and let them hook me up and raise me. While Eren fell on his face I was struggling to keep myself straight up. I fell back and my head slammed against the ground and my leg almost touching my face. "Kid you got to get this, you get one more try or your your out."

I saw Annie give me a thumbs up and smile at me.

When they lifted me up again I was perfectly stable and balanced. I got it.

"Ya got it kid." Kieth said patting me on my back as I was lower down. Eren on the other hand was in total disbelief that he couldn't get it.

Me and Reiner went to dinner and Jean was boosting about going to the mp's while anyone who choose different was a suicidal maniac. He had walked over to my table. "So what are y'all joining?"

"Scouts." I said not looking at him as I slid my plate over to Bertolt making his eyes glow.

"I can see you being just as stupid as Eren. You've probably never seen what out there." Jean laughed.

"And you have?" I said now turning my attention to him.

"Well... no..." He scuffed.

"You were probably one of those fat spoiled brats with everything handed to them. Hell, you might still get your mom to hand feed you, like the baby you are." I said getting him to narrow his eyes at me. "But what do i know." He started screaming at me but I ignored him and Keith had walked in.

"What the hell was all the noice." Kieth asked  poking his head threw the door.

"Sasha past has sir." Mikasa said making Sasha shocked and scared.

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