Chapter 3

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Setsuko groans as consciousness slowly returns to her. The first sensation she registers is the tight restraint binding her hands behind her back. As she blinks away the grogginess, she realizes she's seated in a chair, a suffocating blindfold obscuring her vision.

"Hey! What the hell is this?! I'm gonna kill all of you NPCs!" she snarls with fiery defiance, her frustration boiling over.

The blindfold is abruptly torn away, and Setsuko winces as her eyes adjust to the harsh light emanating from the ceiling lamp.

"We're asking the questions here! No, we're not!" a familiar voice interjects.

"Shut up, Twice," a raspy voice interrupts, commanding attention.

Setsuko's heart skips a beat as she recognizes the voices. The League of Villains.

"Who are you? And how did you find our hideout, brat?" Shigaraki demands, his tone laced with menace.

Setsuko's mind races, analyzing the situation. "Okay, Setsuko, stay calm. For some reason, your dad kidnapped you. He also looks younger, and his hair isn't black," she ponders, attempting to maintain composure.

"I asked you a question!" Shigaraki's impatience snaps her back to the present.

"I'd love to answer, but could I maybe get a pair of gloves first? Ow, you really tied my hands tight," Setsuko retorts, rubbing her sore wrists with a hint of sarcasm.

"How did you get out of your restraints?!" Toga's astonishment breaks through, her disbelief evident. "You didn't have any knives on you when I checked you!"

"I dusted the rope," Setsuko deadpans, her wit sharp as ever. "Now, gloves?" she adds, casting an expectant glance at Shigaraki.

He sighs in annoyance. "Get her a pair of my spare gloves, Kurogiri."

"Yes, Boss," Kurogiri acknowledges, disappearing momentarily before reappearing with a set of spare gloves—artist gloves, to be exact.

"Thank you," Setsuko says, accepting the gloves with care, mindful not to dust them as she slips them on. She lets out a sigh of relief. "That feels a lot better."

"Are you gonna tell us now why you're here?" Shigaraki presses, his tone demanding answers.

Setsuko shrugs nonchalantly. "I don't really understand what happened myself either. We were fighting a villain, he hit us with his quirk, and then I blacked out. When I woke up, I found myself in that alleyway," she explains, her uncertainty evident.

Shigaraki furrows his brow, contemplating her words. "Hm. Well, you know the location of our hideout. We can't just let you walk around with that knowledge, so I'm gonna have to kill you now," he declares, his voice devoid of emotion.

Before Setsuko can even blink, Shigaraki's hand with all five fingers rests on her arm, poised to invoke his lethal quirk. Yet, to his bewilderment, nothing happens.

"Why aren't you turning to dust?!" Shigaraki demands, his confusion palpable.

Setsuko responds with a smug grin. "I'm immune. You can't dust me, and I can't dust you."

"It's because you have the same quirk, right? No, it's not!" Twice interjects, his voice tinged with excitement.

"Twice!" Shigaraki snaps, irritation flashing in his eyes.

"Sorry, boss. Not sorry!" Twice retorts, unapologetic.

Setsuko turns her attention to Twice. "Yes, it is, Twice," she confirms, noting his pride even through his mask.

She then redirects her gaze to Shigaraki. "What year is it?"

"20... Why?" Shigaraki responds, suspicion evident in his tone.

Accidentally time traveled (TAKE II) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now