ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

Start from the beginning

On the desk to the left, Barty and Evan watch like it's the greatest entertainment in the world, all cheshire grins and sniggers at the increasing measures Anna's taking in order to make Regulus' head turn. Or simply raise. That would be enough too. Patience finally snapping, Anna reaches out, hand hovering over his tousled curls, intending for a tug or a twist or even to run her fingers through, just something that would have him regard her.

Knowingly, Romie sucks her teeth, the expected soon becoming an actuality. In a swift movement, Regulus' hand whips up, clasping hold of the sleeve of Anna's robe and batting her hand away firmly. There's a few unspoken rules to take into account for the Black brothers, touching hair is one of them, one that you never want to do. More so Sirius, but Regulus to some extent too.

"She wants him to ask her to Hogsmeade" Pandora informs, disclosing the inner Slytherin gossip, tales and news in a matter of fact way.

Hestia frowns, eyeing the Slytherin girl. She's always been one for girl power, girls making the first move, girls knowing what they want and not being afraid to take it for their own. If Anna wanted to go on a date with Regulus, why not take charge and ask him herself. Sometimes boys love that. Find it sexy and hot and they'll follow like puppies.

"Why doesn't she just ask? That would save time" She wonders aloud, earning a snort from Romie, pretending to fancily adjust her crimson and gold tie when she returns,

"That's not how traditional pureblood society works. The men are at the top of the patriarchy, they're in charge. The women are just to bare little boy heirs and host the fancy balls that they have to be asked to dance at"

It's absurd really, that in this day and age, those rules are still of paramount importance. That the aristocratic men are the ones who make all the decisions, have all the influences and the women have no choice but to abide by their rules. Some traditions should stay in the past, times are changing, the world's progressing, everyone should be equals.

As far as Romie's concerned, they are all equals. Regulus Black and his icy cold heart and eyes are no exception to that. She'd beaten him in their duel, had left him dangling in the air, had evened out the score from before the lesson when his fancy pureblood arse somehow knew what a covent truly was.

Romie - 1 Regulus - 1.

She couldn't wait to build that 1 right up to a hundred this year.

She's brought back into the present when Hestia's thoughts brighten her complexion to rival the sunshine, having her turn to the pearly haired girl besides her to quiz,

"Are you and Xenophilius going together?"

A happy smile teases Romie's lips when Pandora's eyes flicker upwards from the editorial to both of them, pupils swelling at the mention of the blonde boy. She hums gently and nods, offering simply as she continues to read,

"We are"

Unable to help themselves, Hestia and Romie meet each other's palms in the air for a high five, excited for their other friend to be going on a date with the boy she fancies. They make such a perfect couple, understand each other in ways others can't in their weird and wonderful ways. Pandora humours Xenophilius and Xenophilius humours Pandora.

"Are you going to share glittery pink drinks at Puddifoots and stare adoringly into each other's eyes over the table?" Romie teases, embracing the inner mischief that fires her whole being.

Hestia snorts and Pandora hums again, flipping over to the next page, this time humouring the Gryffindor with an easy twitch to her lips,

"If that's what you want to see, Romie"

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