chapter seven

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Diell felt only a little guilt for dragging Phean into this, hopefully they would forgive it.

The once angel had become this tall, violent void monster. They had hundreds of eyes spotted all over their body with one larger eye as their main eye. They looked deranged. They looked hurt.

That was all Diell needed.

It walked off, leaving the pond in hopes Phean would follow and wreak havoc. It had decided what to do.

As it walked out the room, it heard the glitchy screech that - assumedly - came from Phean. It did not sound like Phean, but they did just go through a very bad transformation. The walls came crashing down, knocking Diell to the floor from the pure strength.

Phean was not happy.

The deity got up and rubbed it's head, this rest of this place could deal with them. Diell needed to find Mikael.

It hid away from Phean, watching them stagger past and wreck whatever was in their way. Of course, the commotion had alerted many, but none of them were even given a chance to defend themselves before being ripped in half by the monster.

Diell stealthily ran off, heading directly towards its soon-to-be victim.

A few poor angels ran past Diell to the ruckus, never to be seen again. Diell didnt want to see any of them again. The people here didn't help it when Mikael was attacking it. They didn't stick up for it - except Anteros, it hoped they would escape - when Mikael screamed at it, in fact, most of them laughed at Diell.

They all deserved this.

It arrived in Mikael's domain, taking a deep breath before walking in.

"What have you done!?" The god immediately screamed at Diell, standing up to confront it. Oracle was sitting next to him, it looked scared. Good.

Diell grinned, "Made a friend. We need to talk." It didn't feel frightened of Mikael, despite being terrified not a few days ago. What happened?

Right... Ora happened.

"Like void we need to talk!"

It giggled, "Exactly! Void!" Diell took a few steps closer, seeing Mikael cower back, "I figured out how to use the pond, very useful."

Mikael looked horrified, "You are a monster! Servants!"

"None around, Mik. Phean is having fun. Just us three." It's face grew so much more sinister. "Why'd you do it?"


"Why did you use us as your playthings?" It glowered at him, grabbing something out of its dress pocket and hiding it from sight.

The god grew belligerent, "I did not! And I resent the accusation!" He huffed and moved forward, a few inches away from Diell.

Right where it needed him.

Diell threw a vial into his eyes, hearing the god scream in agony and fall down. It threw poison it had gathered from the pond. Vaguely, it heard Oracle scream at it, curses.

Mikael attempted to swing at Diell whilst rubbing his eyes with another hand, he missed it entirely, falling further on the ground.

The smaller deity whispered a prayer, pulling a decorative knife out of its pocket and moved next to Mikael.

Oracle had ran over, attempting to stop Diell but was knocked clean out by the knife handle. Diell would deal with that traitor later.

It laughed maniacally, gently running a few fingers between Mikael's feathers before ripping them out harshly. It relished in the begging coming out of Mikael. It was no use, of course, but it still listened.

The poison had greatly weakened Mikael, allowing him only his voice whilst Diell did whatever it pleased.

It pulled out more feather before pulling the knife up to the base of his wings.

Then it hacked into the wings.

The screams that came out of the god pleased Diell greatly. It did not rush, taking its sweet time to hack off one wing whilst Mikael was writhing in agony.

Then it stood back and took a look at its handy work.

"Not enough, how are you enjoying this, Mik?" It crooned, walking around to his face. He certainly was a sight to see, sobbing and bloody.

Mikael responded by screaming.

"Not enough." It hummed, going back to cut off the other wing.

Diell was having so much fun, eventually getting bored though and leaving the other wing half on.

"Do you regret choosing us, Mik?"

It didn't expect an answer, instead just grabbing his hair and pulling him up to look at it. Diell looked evil. Grinning evilly with blood splatter all over its face.

"This is the last face you'll ever see." It stated and then slit his throat open. The blood poured all over it, not that it currently minded.

Diell threw his body to the ground, turning to see its sibling a couple feet away.

It stalked over, dripping blood onto its pristine white dress. What would it do to the traitor?

Diell hummed in thought, kicking its body.

It decided to let fate decide, leaving the white void to the human realm.

Phean would choose what to do with it.

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