chapter two

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Diell groaned as they woke up, rubbing their head as they sat up.

The last thing they remember was watching... watching Oracion be murdered in front of them.


"Ora!?" Diell shot up, staggering to their feet and wincing at the ghost pain. It didn't actually hurt, but they remember how they were abused and that hurt.

They began to rush around the empty space before being stopped by Oracion.

"Ell!" They looked... Happy.


Oracion pulled their twin into a bone-crushing hug, "I love you so, so much!"

They stood there for a moment, taking in eachothers company for as long as they could. Diell was so happy before realising the crushing weight of the situation.

They let go, "Ora... are we dead?" They asked quietly, looking around the empty white void they were in.

"Not anymore!" They grinned, hair falling over their eyes from the excitement, "your prayers were heard, you saved us, Ell!"

Not anymore?

Diell must have looked utterly confused, because Oracion began to drag them into a different area, "The Greater God chose us!"

He heard their prayers?

"Oracion..." Diell spoke softly, "what are we going to do now?"

They smiled brightly, "We're going to help the Greater God!"

Ora pulled Diell into another white void, greeted with a tall figure standing around the middle. There were a few servants surrounding him.

"Hello, little ones," He spoke, noting their presence without even turning around, "Servants, you may leave." They scurried out, some giving the twins a look of pity.

"You may call me Mikael." He turned around, looking down on the twins, "Although you know me as the Greater God." He walked over to the pair.

Diell bowed to the god, hearing a chuckle, "Thank you, Greater God."

"Mikael is fine, young one."

Diell shuffled uncomfortably, "Sorry... Mikael."

He crouched down to be on the same level as the twins, "Oracle, what have you told, Diell?"

"I told them that you saved us!" Ora smiled.


Mikael nodded, "A name fit for a prophet. Your name is perfect as is."

Diell smiled a little, they were perfect. But so was Oracion.

The large God hummed, "I have chosen you two to become deities, like myself." He began to explain, "you each proved yourself to me through your actions, and I have chosen your domains." He conjured a pair of laurels.

The laurels were normal around, being silver leaves, until the front charm. Mikael handed Oracle the laurel with a snake coiled around a rod charm, they put it on with a smile. He then turned to Diell and handed them the laurel with a star and veil on it.

Diell tilted their head, "why does my one have a veil and theirs doesn't?"

"Prayer is special." He simply stated, standing back up.

"Oracle, you are a deity of health and medicine. I trust you to take the mantle well." Ora nodded excitedly.

Mikael then looked at Diell, "You are a deity of prayer and worship. Do good."

Diell looked to their twin, but found they were already walking away with Mikael. They shoved the laurel on and ran for their sibling.


"Ell! You can't come this way, Mikael is showing me what to do!" They scolded Diell, as if they were to have already knew what was happening.

They faltered, "Okay... Ora, I will see you soon?"

"Of course, Diell."

Mikael huffed, rolling his eyes, "Oracle, I do not have all day. Follow."

Oracle apologised and continued on with Mikael, leaving Diell alone with their thoughts.

They sat down, whispering a small prayer.

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