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I made my way to my bedroom and I couldn't help but look around every two seconds to make sure no one saw me in just a shirt. John was internally laughing his head off with no shame.

"Stop laughing." I whisper-shouted though he just held the bridge of his nose, as I made my way to my room.
"Stop it." I muttered, as I finally entered my room and stepped into my wardrobe. I needed to meet Grayson in the next five minutes so I just threw on some underwear and a pair of shorts keeping the shirt.

Outside John seemed to still be laughing, which made me groan.
"I need Jameson's room." I said, as he walked off in front of me. Outside I met up with Grayson. He raised an eyebrow at John, as I shook my head.

"Jamie, I'm guessing you think Toby's alive because of this." Grayson handed him the photo with the chess board.

"Indeed, that's what we think." Jameson grabbed the photo. Avery looked towards me her face confused though a smirk trying to hide on her lips.

"New clothing style?" she questioned sarcastically, as I shook my head, my face turning a light shade of pink.
"Shut up." I bit the inside of my cheek, as she grinned.

"How do you both intend to prove he's alive?" Grayson questioned, before Avery could laugh at me more.

"No idea, that's why you've been let into the grand circle!" Xander entered from behind
us, where Jameson's bedroom door was.

"So you're admitting you need our help?"
"Because we're smarter." I finished Grayson's point, as the other three groaned. I smirked, as Grayson looked back at me with a sly grin.

"We just need a different perspective." Avery says almost annoyed, as I nod. "Sure, you do." It was my turn to smirk, as she groaned.

"Did Toby have a wing?" I start, as Grayson finished for me: "And have you checked it yet?"
Avery, Jameson and Xander all seemed to have a small stroke just thinking of how they had missed this vital piece of information. Or it was at least most likely vital.

"See, this is why we're here." I muttered turning around, Grayson right on my tail. "Exactly!" Xander said cheerfully, as the three followed us.

We made our way towards what was supposedly Toby's wing, as John had said. Though instead of finding a wing with a bedroom, there was a big wall.

A large, large, brick wall.

"John, you don't happen to know where a sledgehammer is?" I questioned, as he turned around and walked off. He didn't drag me with him, as Oren, Avery's bodyguard, was still around. Avery nodded her head in approval, as Grayson turned me towards him.

"You think you'll be able to break it down?" he questioned in doubt of my capabilities.

"Don't test me, Hawthorne." I muttered, grabbing the sledgehammer John had brought back with him. I swung the sledgehammer directly into the centre of the wall, the bricks coming loose. After a second time, a rather wide hole appeared.

"You boys think you can squish through?" I questioned, as Jameson agreed enthusiastically, though Grayson seemed almost in despair.

"You'll be fine." I nodded towards him and made my way towards the whole. Squishing my way through wasn't difficult by any means, I fit perfectly. Avery climbed through after me, Xander and Jameson following, with Grayson last.

"See you're fine." I told him pointedly, as he muttered a curse, part of his shirt having been ripped on the way in.

"Just fine." Grayson muttered after me, as we made our way through the room.  Everyone started pushing bricks, tiles, floorboards, lamps, pulling strings, more lamps, turning light switches off and on and doing anything Toby Hawthorne could've possibly done.

"Anyone lucky?" I heard Xander call.
"Nope." I called back, as we searched again and again. For what felt like at least an hour we were all on our hands and knees, checking each board for any hints.

"I've got a disk!" Avery called over. I watched as Grayson rushed over and checked the disk.

"Where was it?" I heard him ask, as she pointed towards a clock. That genius.

"Compartment!" Xander called over. I watched Jameson sprint towards his younger brother, as they checked the contents.

"What's it got?" I yelled over, as Xander read the text, which was apparently hidden in the small box shaped hole.

"The tree is poison. Don't you see? It poisoned S and Z and me."

"What?" I heard Jameson ask annoyed, as I rubbed my eyes.

"Anything else?" I asked, though they both shook their heads. Sighing I pushed myself up and looked out of one of the windows.

"Who's S? And Z?" I questioned, though everyone seemed to be at a loss of thoughts. After a few minutes, Xander's faced went through shock.

"Skye and Zara." Avery suggested.

"I say we search Toby's library." Jameson told us.
"Sounds like a plan." We all stood up, though Grayson was checking something on his phone and then watch.

"Lieta, we need to go." Grayson looked at his watch, his hand outstretched for me to grab.

"Why?" I questioned.
"We have to meet Alisa, come on." he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside past the other three.

"Not now, can you move it?" I questioned, walking next to him, as he shook his head. I sighed, as we made our way towards the dining room on the east side. This ball better be worth it.


You swim? Grayson Hawthorne X OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora