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Grayson's POV:

„Is this a family meeting or something?" I questioned, as every one of my brothers was sat at the dining table. They just shook their head with a laugh, as I sat down.

„What are you laughing about?" I asked, as Nash grinned.

„You." he answered, as I kept my unamused face.

„We were remembering, when at the age of eight, you said you wanted two twin girls when you were older."  Nash laughed, as the other two joined in.

„I don't remember." I said, my face probably turning a light pink.

„You've always wanted girls. Especially ones that loved fashion so that you could dress them up." Jameson grinned.

„Not true." I muttered, though they kept at it.

„Again at ten, you were upset that we wouldn't let you dress us up for the charity ball at the time. Oh and don't forget being upset about the lack of girls to model your designs. Granddad bought you female mannequins at the age of 17 for your school project." Nash counted the events, as I shook my head, hiding my face.

„I'll be damned if you don't still want girls." Xander mentioned, as I shook my head. The door opened and the three sisters entered the room.

„Morning." Libby smiled, as she grabbed some bread from the corner.

„What would you be damned by Xander?" Lieta questioned, as I sent Xander a warning look.

„It's nothing." I cut him off, looking over at her. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it, as she came over with her bowl of fruit.

„Do you still feel sick if you eat too much breakfast?" Libby rubbed her shoulder, as Lieta nodded her head. "Weird person." Xander shook his head, as Lieta threw a handkerchief at him.

"Oi." he rubbed his heart, as if it had hurt. He sent a grape toward her, it landed directly on her forehead.

"Ew." Lieta muttered, sending it back at him. We all watched, as they started shooting grapes back and forth. Xander at one point was so into the food fight, he started shooting cherries, blueberries and any fruit he could find at her.

I looked up in light shock, as orange juice was spilled over me. "What was that for?" I complained, as I stood up. They had started shooting apples back and forth and one had hit my glass of juice.

"Sorry." Lieta and Xander said at the same time.
"It's fine." I muttered, leaving the room to go and get changed.


Lieta's POV:

"Do you want to know what we were talking about?" Xander whispered over, as we both left the room to get cleaned up as well.

"Of course I do." I rushed, as he shushed me.

"We were mocking Grayson. Since he was like eight, he's wanted twin girls when he was older. Literally so that he could dress them up." Xander whispered over, as I looked over at him with slightly wide eyes.

"Don't feel pressured, that's just something he's been on about for years." Xander winked, as he turned right towards his room.

'Don't feel pressured.' What advice was that supposed to be? Of course I didn't feel pressure. I mean. I'm sixteen. Absolutely not.

I headed towards my bedroom and opened the door to see Grayson sat at my table again.

"Thought you were going to get changed." I mentioned, as he nodded.

"I did." he turned around in the chair to face me. "Very funny." I mentioned, as he kept laughing.

"I need new clothes, so you'll need to give me a minute." I tell him, as I watch his eyes light up.

"Can I choose?" my face almost slipped into one of worry, from Xander's earlier comments, though I push them aside.

"Sure." I agreed, as Grayson got up and entered my wardrobe.

"Colour theme?" he questioned through the door. "Pink please." I said. I was feeling pink today.

"Alright." he mumbled, as I heard him push clothing hooks around. I waited for him to enter the room again and as he did I cleared my throat.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him, as I contemplated mentioning Xander's comment.

"What's wrong? Is the t-shirt too pink?" he asked, pulling the t-shirt towards him and holding it up.

"It's fine, Grayson, really." I pulled it back onto the pile, as he raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem?"

"It's not a problem. Xander just mentioned earlier-"

"Did he mention something terrible? I swear it's not- No, you know what. I'm sorry in advance, for whatever he said-."

"Grayson! Just sit please." I told him. He was more stressed than I was. The bed squeaked lightly, as he sat down in front of me.

"I was wondering, he mentioned the fact you wanted girls your whole life." I said slowly, as Grayson blushed, holding his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry." he said again, as I shook my head with a laugh.

"It's not bad, I was just wondering if that's still true." I waited for him to answer, though he didn't really reply.

"Let me think." he rubbed his temple. I was wondering what he was thinking about.

"Yes. The answer's yes." he nodded and looked up at me worriedly. Almost wondering if he dare look at me.

"Grayson I'm not worried. I mean, I'm not going to have kids now and we only just got together properly. I honestly thought it was quite sweet." I smiled, as he looked a little bit confused.

"You're fine with it?" he questioned, as I nodded my head with a laugh.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I just thought it was weird." he shrugged, as I tried not to laugh.

"Look I'd gladly have a little girl or maybe two when I'm older. Though I can't promise that they'll be girls." I placed a kiss to his cheek, as Grayson sent me a small smile.

"Why are you perfect?" Grayson tackled me, making me fall onto my back, as I felt his arms tighten around me and his head nuzzle into my top.

"I'm not perfect." I said, as he lifted his head to look at me.

"To me, you are." he smiled. I swore in that moment that I was going to melt.


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