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„What happened last night?" Grayson's standing in my doorway, changed and looking ready to kill me any moment.

„Firstly, don't blame me for your mistakes. It was just your Hawthorne Bowling." I shrug, though he doesn't seem pleased with the answer.

„Will you let me change, before I talk to you?" I mutter getting up, walking over in my lace pyjamas. They weren't embarrassing, as Alisa and Bonnie had wanted me to look good even, whilst I'm sleeping. But it was just wrong.

"Of course." he offers a tight smile, acting like the so called gentleman he is and I nod, as I walk into my much too large wardrobe.

I change and brush my hair, walking back out, I see that he's made himself at home. Grayson's sat down at my desk, looking through my school notebooks.

"There's nothing interesting in there." I say, making him sigh.

"I know." he nods, closing the book and placing it back down.

"You might want to explain now." he tells me again, crossing his arms.

"Nothing much, just Bowling. We stopped playing, I told you to button up your shirt. You said no, acted like you were a plane, which was quite funny." I laugh, as he seems to rub his forehead in embarrassment.

"Then I said we should get you to bed. You protested and sprinted away. I ran after you and watched as you ran head first into a glass door, leading to a balcony. You just sat there dazed. So I told you we should get you to bed, you said no again and said you wanted to talk.
I told you we could talk in the morning if you went to bed. And here we are." I made sure to leave out the part, where I thought he looked like a teddy bear. It seemed appropriate to do so.

"That's terrible." he sighs, not looking up.
I shrug: "You seemed happy."

"I'm always happier drunk, that's why I don't get drunk often."

"You acted like you were actually a 19 year old. It's easily forgotten by others." I tell him, though he just shrugs.

"Maybe that's my aim." he mutters, I tilt my head raising an eyebrow.

"That's a shit aim."

"Language." he tells me, sighing as I stick my tongue out at him.

"You're acting like a 5 year old." he tells me, making me grin.

"Why don't we act like 5 year olds together then? Show the others that we aren't overworked accountants." I suggest, though he doesn't seem too fond of the idea.

"You can act like a child all you want. I'll go do my work." he walks over to the door, pressing down on the handle, though I stop him.

"Would it kill you to not work for a day? How about some laps in the pool?" I question. He seems to contemplate the idea, as I wait for an answer.

"I'll see you in 10." he walks out and I grin. Finally.

"Maybe in 20." I yell after him, knowing I would get lost again.


"Found your way?" I hear Grayson ask with a laugh from his sun bed.

"Oh leave it." I mutter annoyed. I had taken four wrong turns, leading to me caving in and asking John for help. He seemed to find it as amusing, as Grayson was finding it.

„How about those laps?" he stands up stretching, leaving me to stare at him. Now I would admit to Avery's statement that all the Hawthorn grandsons were pretty, beautiful even. Though never aloud.

„Come on." he claps his hands and I nod, placing my towel on top of a sun bed. I walk across the terrace, joining his side.

„On the count of three 10 laps.
One, two, three!"


You swim? Grayson Hawthorne X OCWhere stories live. Discover now