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„Up for a round of Hawthorne Bowling?" Jameson came into my room, Avery tailing behind him.

„What is Hawthorne Bowling?" I ask interested in the topic.

„A game you shouldn't participate in." Grayson speaks from my desk. He had been working in my room for the past hour, trying to explain the Foundation to me again. With a bit of luck this time, as I wasn't terrible in statistics and was interested in a career with them. Not like I was pushed to get a career anymore though.

„We actually would've come and asked you as well. We'll meet you downstairs." Jameson said cheerily.

I watched, as the two walked off.

„We're not going." Grayson said from my desk, I turned towards the blond with a confused expression.

„What is Hawthorne Bowling?" I ask confused. Grayson sighs and looks over.

„Strip bowling. Whoever hits the most pins removes any item of clothing they want, till they're left in undergarments."

„Oh." I make a mental note not to join that game, ever. It doesn't sound like something I should start participating in.

„Now, I think we've done enough for today." Grayson stands up collecting his papers.

"Alright." I smile. I'm quite tired, so I'm not upset with his decision.

"Ill see you tomorrow." he nods and walks off.

"Thank you!" I yell after him. He turns and send me a small smile. I was getting to him.


„You may as well get rid of your jumper!" Libby laughs, as Nash grins and removes his jumper.

As I walk past the bowling alley, the conversation peaks my interest and I listen through the door.

„Ok, so scores are clear. Jameson's loosing by a mile. Avery's in a bra and jeans. I've got a skirt left. And Nash's shirtless. This is going great!" Libby yells. I chuckle at my sisters words. She may be drunk, though I'm not sure.

„Are you going to keep spying or join in?" someone says from behind, making me jump.

I turn and see Grayson standing there.

„I thought you said I shouldn't?" I question quietly, he shrugs.

„I advised you not to. I didn't stop you. Spying was also not what I meant. I also get the feeling most of them are tipsy." he finished quietly, making me giggle.

„Sh." he shushed me with a finger, making me giggle more.

„Is someone there?" Jameson said rather loudly, as he walked over to the door. I tried to walk off, but Grayson blocked my path, raising an eyebrow.

„Oh look it's the two overworked accountants. Come in!" he grinned at us turning around.

„I'm not an accountant." I tell him, though he just shrugs.

„You're bound to do the same career as Gray, might as well admit it." Xander walked past me into the room.

„Xander! You're alive!" Nash grinned, as his youngest brother walked in.

„Course I am, now everyone get your clothes on, we're starting over!" he told the room, as I raised an eyebrow. They all started grabbing their clothes off the floor and started putting them back on.

„Absolutely not." I tell them, trying to get past Grayson.

„Come on." he nods towards the room. I shake my head no. Not after what I've just seen.

„You're stressed about life, go let go." he ushered me inside. I turned to raise an eyebrow.

„What about you?"

He sighed: „I'm just as stressed as you are. Might as well let go of the world together."

He said it so quietly, making sure only I could hear it. It made me question his character a bit. Grayson Hawthorne letting go? I'd like to see that happen.


After loosing most of our clothing and being the only ones still awake, Grayson and I decided we should call it quits.

„Do we carry them back?" I ask not really knowing what to do.

„No, they can sleep here." he shrugs, pulling his shirt back on, but refusing to button it up.

„Button it up." I tell him, pulling my top back on.

„Why?" he asks, grabbing his phone from the coffee table, checking who knows what.

„Because, you never let go, even if you've had a bit to drink, be normal you." I tell him again, watching as he smirks lightly.

„But that's the fun of it. Normal me is every single day. Now it's calm me." he grins, walking over to the door, acting as if he's a plane, as he spreads his arms and turns in circles.

„Let's get you to bed." I smile.
„No." he grins and sprints out the door.

„Grayson!" I yell after him. I sprint after him, though he's very quick. I follow him till we reach a balcony, where he runs straight into the glass and falls backwards. He seems dazed.

„Idiot." I say, realising he masked how much he had drunk pretty well.

„I just want to talk." he smiles sweetly, making me want to hug him. That would be weird though, even if he currently looks like a giant teddy.

„We can talk in the morning if you go to your bed now." I offer, he tilts his head. His eyes staring back at me. They seem softer, he seems softer or maybe he's just finally acting his age.

I forget he's 19 sometimes.

„Come on." I grab his arm and pull him up. He doesn't complain and just holds my arm, walking back down the hallway with me, till we get to the staircase and step up it.

„Goodnight." I mumble, as I watch him stumble over to his bed.

„Night." he sighs and lies down, closing his eyes straight away.

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