vol - 1

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             In a city of seoul stands this palace like mansion and inside that mansion there is a room craved as little master where a 28 years old boy hugging his father like he is not a 28 years old adult but a 5 years old little boy holding his father close. No one can believe that the infamous Kim Taehyung considered as one of the most coldest person in south korea can be look this cute while hugging his father like a koala .

Time : 7 A.M.

            The alarm started beeping disturbing Namjoon's sleep he knew that its time to get up but he can't because of how tightly tae is hugging him. He sighed softly still having his eyes closed because if tae don't want to woke up then he can't either. Its a daily life routine for him to wake his stubborn son up who don't even scoot a little no matter how many times he try.

Namjoon's pov :

              I opened my eyes softly and the first thing i saw is my son who is sleeping pressing his cheeks against my chest looking so innocent and cute just like that very day when i found him in that park but the difference is then he was abandoned and crying but now he have his papa and happy . I smiled softly pressing a soft kiss on his forehead. He maybe a cold and arrogant person for others but infront of me he becomes a child who needs his papa's attention everytime. Afterall they only have each other as a family.

Author's pov :

                Joon was thinking all of this while running his fingers gently through tae's smooth hairs. After the wholesome moment he started to call tae to wake him up.

Joon : tae , my prince wake up baby its morning now  ''shaking him gentle''

Tae : ''no answer but making his hold more tighter around joon and pressing his face further into Joon's chest.''

Joon : aisha this kid , tae woke up u have office ur a ceo now not a kid baby  ''started shaking him more and pushing him slightly to make some distance ''

Tae : not now appa let me sleep hobi uncle can handle office without me. Let me Sleep appa. ''Turning around and again sleeping ''

Joon : seriously tae , baby hobi uncle can't do anything without ur sign and order right? now woke up and no more whining or from tomorrow u will sleep alone in ur room.

Tae : WHAT NO appa u can't do that to me ''woke up from his deep slumber and sitting straight on the bed staring at his father'' u can't do that to ur tae appa u know i can't sleep without u.

Joon : ''smiling at tae's reaction'' awww my big 28 years old baby ''sitting up on the bed with tae and ruffles his hairs gentle'' appa knows bear i told u that just to woke u up from ur deep slumber tae and as u can see its worked. Now ur wide awake so go and freshen up first and go downstairs for break first I will join u shortly ok.

             After this joon again ruffles tae's hair because he was sulking and looking at joon like he got betrayed by his appa and then joon went to his washroom for freshen up leaving a pouty tae on the bed.

        So hello guys its all for first chapter pls stay tuned for further updates ☺️☺️☺️

baby i love u


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