"Wow" Abella breathed out "he taught you to do that? That's amazing, he must be powerful"

"He is" Fleur said proudly "his studies are more advanced than that of his fellow year mates and he has already mastered silent casting"

"That's impossible!" One student blurted out

"Yet it's true" Fleur gave the student a sweet smile before continuing to talk to Abella "he is so powerful, though me and him seem to be attracted to power." Her eyes had taken a slightly dreamy look before she shook her head to clear it.

"Wow, you've got it bad" Abella couldn't help but say

"You have no idea"

"What classes do you have?" Delphi asked Harry after they both received their schedules at breakfast

"All the basic classes, my electives are Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures" Harry answered "what about you?"

"Same except I'm not taking Arithmancy" Delphi replied

"Hmm, doesn't really matter I suppose" Harry mused "we can just change them if we don't like them"

"That's fair" Delphi shrugged.

Shadow chose that moment to fly into the hall, though he made a brief stop before that where he released the contents of his stomach right on Draco Malfoy's food. Shadow landed right on Harry's shoulder just as Draco Malfoy looked towards him. Harry raised an eyebrow, daring Malfoy to challenge him or do anything, and he could see that the blonde boy looked tempted but he backed down and averted his eyes. Harry was rather glad, it mean that Malfoy was capable of learning after all. Though it also sadly meant that he couldn't hurt the little ferret but sadly you can't always get what you want.

Soon it was time for the first care of magical creatures class, Harry had learnt that it would be with Rubeus Hagrid, the games keeper turned Professor. Now on the one hand it was well know that Hagrid was a massive Dumbledore supporter so Harry couldn't help but feel like the man was an idiot. On the other hand, Fay had told him that he was actually just a rather nice guy who owed Dumbledore for giving him a home and a job.

So Harry could understand why the guy supported Dumbledore, after all it was unlikely for anyone else to offer him a job.

Also he'd only met the man a couple of times over the years, the man had offered Harry some tea and invited him over but Harry had told him he didn't want to. To his delight, the man seemed to understand and didn't try to bother Harry, nor did he seem too upset about it. In fact it appeared like he didn't mind, Hagrid even occasionally said hello to him and left the option to come over open. Also the man always complimented Shadow, so he was alright in Harry's eyes.

"Alright, open your books and turn to chapter three" Hagrid had instructed them

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Draco Malfoy asked as he held his book up, the monster book of monsters had a habit of trying to bite anything and everything it could, which was why most people had theirs closed with a belt to prevent it from opening.

"Hasn't anyone managed to open them?" Hagrid asked, his eyes then landed on Harry "Ah look, Harry managed it. Tell them how it's done Harry"

"It opened and tried to bite my hand so I punched it repeatedly" Harry replied as he held up his book which looked a little damaged. It was missing it's teeth and a few of it's eyes were now black, everyone looked at Harry with disbelief and a little bit of amazement "What? It worked. Thing doesn't dare bite me now"

"Well...the rest of you just stroke the spines" Hagrid said to the others though he kept his eye on Harry, he then walked off to go get the study of his current lesson.

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