"I can't believe it" Sirius whispered

"Yeah, well in a second another guard is going to come and the two of us are going to take you away"

"Thanks Jimmy...I'll never forget this" Sirius vowed

"Don't thank me, I'm just the messenger" Jimmy said just as another guard arrived, the two opened the cell door and placed some handcuffs on Sirius before they took him away

"Bye-bye Snivelus" Sirius called out as he left "Have fun, hope to see you never!"

"Curse you Black!" Snape snarled

"I'll miss you too nosey! I'll send you some shampoo you lonely prick!"

"Goddamn it" Harry cursed under his breath as he sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts express, once again cursing the fact that he had to attend school. He had actually enjoyed his summer, it was the best summer he had ever had. He had gotten on brilliantly with Fleur's mother, Fleur's little sister was less annoying than last time, her father apparently no longer disliked him and had begun acting like he actually wanted him around. Plus, he had enjoyed all the time he spent with Fleur.

Fleur didn't judge him, in fact she didn't seem to be remotely bothered by his face and she didn't mind his sense of humour, in fact she liked it if anything. Plus, Harry had to admit that it felt nice, having someone love him unconditionally. He knew Bellatrix and Delphi loved him but that was different, not worse, just different.

To add to the good news, he was told that Sirius was getting a trial.

The bad news was that he would be in school when the trial was scheduled, plus he had to return to England. He had felt like his heart broke when he saw Fleur cry as he left. He had noticed that he really cared for Fleur, he didn't know if this was a side-effect of accepting the bond or not, but he did. Seeing her sad did not help him, and now he was on a train back to a school he was forced to attend. Needless to say he was not in a good mood.

"What's up?" Tracy asked as she and Daphne entered the compartment

"Harry's grumpy because he misses Fleur" Delphi answered as she read a book on art tips that she had gotten from the Delacours, they had kindly gotten her an English version.

"What if I am?" Harry said as he took out a book and began reading

"Fleur? Isn't she the girl who is 'not Harry's girlfriend'?" Daphne asked, quoting something that Harry had said multiple times now

"She's now the girl who is my girlfriend" Harry replied

"What?!" Tracy blurted out "You have a girlfriend?!"

"Are you jealous?" Harry asked, without looking away from his book

"Shut it" Tracy rolled her eyes "so tell me the details"

"Why?" Harry sighed

"Tracy is our resident gossip" Daphne answered with a roll of her eyes "she has a need to know"

"Hi guys" Fay said as she entered the compartment "what's up?"

"Harry was about to tell me about his new girlfriend" Tracy said

"What?!" Fay instantly sat down next to Tracy and the two looked at Harry "Tell us"

"Sweet Merlin, they're multiplying" Harry swore under his breath before he looked at both girls "her name is Fleur Delacour, she lives in France. Her family is quite rich, she's very smart and powerful and is brilliant at charms"

"She must be if she managed to charm you" Tracy giggled

"Do you think I won't hurt you or have you just forgotten that I can?" Harry asked as he looked up

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