"Stop it!" Draco screamed, red-faced, in pain and terrified

"It stings doesn't it?" Harry asked "It's funny though, the fact that it gives off a burning feeling despite the fact that it's cold. Me?" Harry turned the ice back into water "I prefer to burn things the old fashioned way" Harry aimed his wand at Draco's hand and a small jet of flames burst out and burnt it, causing Draco to cry and scream in pain. "Oh, what's wrong? Not hot enough?" Harry increased the temperature and Draco's scream got louder, several seconds later, Harry had removed his foot and stopped the flames with a wave of his free hand.

The Slytherin's felt slightly sick at thee sight of Draco, his burnt skin left a horrible smell in the air, that added to his screaming and tears, needless to say various Slytherin's were going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Harry reapplied the body bind, causing Draco's arm to snap back to his body and his hand to slap his side which caused even more pain.

"Hey Draco" Harry said in a friendly tone "what was it that you called me? You know when we met in Diagon alley? Ah, right, I remember, 'scar face', that's what you called me. That really hurt my feelings Draco, but I figure that our conflict was just from a lack of understanding. You don't really know what scars are like, let me show you."

Harry grabbed Draco, he turned him over and dragged him by the collar to the fireplace. Draco's eyes, and many of the others widened as they saw where Harry was taking him.

"No! Please! Stop!" Draco begged as tears flooded his face "I...I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"You're not sorry Draco, you're afraid, you'll say anything to get out of this. I'm going to make sure you're truly sorry" Harry said as he stopped just in front of the fire place, he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the flames, though that moment was interrupted by Draco's screams.

"Please don't! I...I'm sorry, I won't insult you again! I will..."

"Shush, shush, shush Draco" Harry said as he lifted Draco so he was looking him right in the eye, Draco looked undeniably horrified as he stared at Harry. From he's perspective, all he could see was a skull with killing curse green eyes "I need you to know why I'm hurting you, it's just not because of what you've done. That's partly it. I'm doing this because I like it. And you gave me an excuse"

Harry turned Draco and grabbed him by the hair and neck, he shoved the left side of Draco's face into the fire. The Slytherin's struggled to keep their food in their stomach's as they heard Malfoy's screams echo throughout the common room. Their horror only sky rocketed when Harry started laughing at the same time. Not a small laugh, not a quiet laugh. The laugh that Harry let out was sadistic, loud, loudest they had ever heard the usually quiet boy.

"Come on Dragon! Can't handle a little flame!" Harry taunted before he pulled Draco out of the fire and tossed him away, he cancelled the body bind on him and Draco's hands immediately went to his face as he began to try and pat out the flames while he rolled on the floor.

Harry idlily waved a hand and the flames dissepeared, even though the burns still remained. Malfoy's hands seemed to be confused as they wanted to touch his face to alleviate some of the pain but the slightest touch only caused it to flare. Not that Harry cared, he wasn't looking at Draco or his face that had caused a few Slytherin's to vomit. Harry's eyes were fixed on the fire, he watched as it appeared to be dancing in the wind. He was trapped by how the flames varied in colour, how they looked wild and...

"Aarrgh!" Draco's scream interrupted Harry's thoughts

"Oh for Merlin's sake" Harry sighed as he placed a silencing charm on Draco "can no one appreciate art in silence these days? I mean, just look at it" Harry pushed his own hand into the fire, the Slytherin's gasped as they were still struggling to be able to deal with his craziness. Hurting others was one thing, but self damage was another entirely "Ah, that's comforting" Harry removed his hand, shocking the Slytherin's as they saw he wasn't even burnt. A bit of fire shot out from the fireplace and took the shape of a snake, it slithered up Harry's arm, to his shoulders and then to the other arm before it returned back to the flames.

Damaged Ravenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن