"Doesn't matter?!" Fay repeated with disbelief in her voice

"Either he stays in Azkaban or he comes back here, if he returns then he'll either practise some self control or I'll do worse"

"Potter" Malfoy's voice came from behind Harry. He turned, and saw Draco Malfoy standing with both of his goons. "You will pay for what you did"

"What exactly did I do?" Harry asked

"Don't play dumb Potter!" Malfoy snapped "You sent my godfather to Azkaban!"

"Who? Snape?" Harry asked "No, I sent him to the hospital wing, somebody else sent him to Azkaban. Besides, he tried to rape my mind, he should be appreciative that I stopped at all."

"You had better watch yourself Potter, I'm going to make you suffer!" Malfoy growled

"Tell me, Draco" Harry gently pushed his plate away as a smile made its way on to his face, he turned and stood up "Do you think that I fear you?" He walked forwards and stopped, right in front of Malfoy, a step away from crashing into him "Do you think I've never suffered? I know pain, I know suffering and I know how to give you tons of both. You don't know suffering. Push me too far though, and you will"

"I'm not afraid of you scar-face!"

"That's because you don't believe in me" Harry gave him a little smirk

"What?" A confused Malfoy asked

"You don't believe in anyone else being better, stronger. You were raised to believe that you were top of the mountain despite the fact that your father had probably wore kneepads everyday so he could always quickly bend down and kiss his masters feet. You're delusional, when your older, when you understand the real world, you won't look at me and laugh at my scars. No, you'll look at me and pray that I don't give you worse"

"Is there a problem here gentlemen?" Professor Flitwick said as he arrived on scene

"No" Malfoy glared at Harry "none at all" He said before walking away, Crabbe and Goyle following after him

"Mr Potter" Flitwick said to Harry "I must apologise but the headmaster has requested your presence in his office"

"Requested or demanded?" Harry turned to the Professor

"Well, his exact words were 'could you please go and fetch Mr Potter and bring him to my office', so yes I'd say it was a demand"

"Fine, let's go" Harry said just as Shadow flew to his shoulder "bye guys" he said to Delphi and the Fay before walking behind the Charms Professor who began leading him to the headmaster's office.

"Tell me Mr Potter" Flitwick said as they walked "what would have happened if it was a request?"

"I'm not the headmaster's friend" Harry replied "I have no reason to do anything because he asks"

"Hmm" Flitwick let out a small chuckle

"Ah, Mr Potter, thank you Filius, you may leave now" Dumbledore said as Harry entered "please sit, would you like a lemon drop?"

"No and I want to make it clear that the only reason I'm sitting is because I want to" Harry said shortly before sitting down opposite the headmaster "also I want Flitwick to stay here, that way if you also try to read my mind I will have at least one witness, now what do you want?"

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