chapter 2

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The next morning Harry woke up before the rest of his house, he had just barely managed to avoid being questioned by them all yesterday.

"Hey boy" Harry said as his raven, he really should think of a name for him, flew on to his shoulder, Harry took a note out of his pocket, it was written for Delphi. It basically told her that if she wasn't down in ten minutes then he would be going on his own. The raven took the note up the stairs then returned nine minutes and twenty three seconds later on the shoulder of a sleepy Delphi.

"Did we have to wake up so early?" She yawned

"No, you could have chosen to stay and sleep for a little while later. I just gave you the option to accompany me" Harry said just as the raven flew back on to his shoulder "we really should give you a name" He added to the bird "for some reason people think it's weird to just call you Raven. Hmm, let's go with something simple. How about 'Shadow'?" The bird remained silent for a few minutes before nodding his head, showing his approval. "Well, now that the hardest part of my day is over, let's go"

"Why are we up so early?" Delphi asked as they walked out the common room

"You because you enjoy my company, although I can't really work out why, me because there are less idiots up at this time and that decreases the chances of them asking questions." Harry said just as Shadow tapped him on the head with his own head "Also because Shadow was hungry"

"Fine" Delphi sighed as she yawned and stretched "at least we'll get some good breakfast"

"Can't be any worse than your mothers cooking" Harry replied

"True" Delphi let out a soft snort "she told me that the food here is cooked by house elves, apparently Hogwarts has a whole kitchen full of them"

"Good, now I know who to kill if I don't like it"

"There are apparently a lot of them"

"Won't matter if they're dead"

A little while later a lot of students had arrived, they all sat down in their seats, they were all trying, and failing, at subtly looking at the object of everyone's interest. Harry Potter and his face.

Harry was sat at the Ravenclaw table, Delphi opposite him and Shadow was on the table. All three were eating and purposefully ignoring the stares, though Harry was tempted to set the whole hall on fire and see how fond they were of looking at him then.

"Good morning" A voice called and they turned to see a rather small man standing in front of them "I am Professor Flitwick, your charms professor and head of house, I have your time tables here"

"Thank you" Delphi said as she took hers, Shadow flew and grabbed Harry's timetable from the charms master then brought it to Harry

"Good boy" Harry stroked his head

"My, my, such an intelligent bird" Flitwick exclaimed with surprise in his voice "that is very impressive, does he have a name?"

"Shadow" Harry answered

"A pleasure to meet you Shadow" Flitwick greeted and Shadow nodded his head at the man "is he your familiar? He seems too intelligent to be a mere pet" He asked Harry as Shadow puffed his chest out

"Yes" Harry nodded "he is my familiar"

"How marvelous" Flitwick smiled "well, I hope to see more of him. I won't mind if you bring him to my class, as long as he doesn't cause any trouble"

"Thank you" Harry responded

"You are welcome, oh and Mr Potter, I don't know if you are aware but your mother had begun taking a charms mastery with me before her tragic passing. She was truly a brilliant student and woman, if you ever desire to talk about her with someone then my office is always open." He ended with a nod before walking away

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