"Mr Potter?" Dumbledore said after a few minutes, wondering if the boy would speak

"In that case" Harry turned his head towards them, McGonagall and Dumbledore let out a small gasp of surprise when both of them saw that Harry was wearing a plain white mask that was shaped like a skull. The mask had two eyeholes, which allowed them both to see his green eyes, Dumbledore noted that his left eye was slightly smaller than his right. The higher straps of the mask started from the eyes of the mask and rested on his ears, while the lower straps were just under his ear, among some black hair that could just be made out from under the hood "I will attend under protest"

"Mr Potter?"

"I will attend your damn school, but be warned that I will not do anything I do not wish to do"

"Mr Potter, please remove your mask" Dumbledore requested

"No" Harry refused "unless you have more business with me, I'd like you to leave"

"Mr Potter, you will need to get to Diagon alley to get your school supplies. Professor McGonagall will accompany you"

"No, I will go on my own" Harry turned his head away and looked at his raven

"You do not know where it is" McGonagall pointed out

"I would ask you to kindly stop making assumptions about my knowledge and tell me what else I need to know before you take your leave" Harry said as the raven nuzzled his hand

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore spoke as it seemed McGonagall was trying to maintain a grip on her anger "this is your Hogwarts letter, in it are a list of supplies" Dumbledore placed the letter on Harry's desk "you will need a key to access your trust vault at Gringotts banks, your key is in my possession, I insist that one of us accompany you so..."

"Why is my key in your possession?" Harry's head snapped towards Dumbledore at the same time as his raven

"Mr Potter, your parents left it to me before they died and..."

"A mistake on their part" Harry interrupted "or a lie on yours, I don't care which. Do you have my key on you?"

"Yes, Mr Potter" Dumbledore removed the key from his pockets "though I would like to assure that I am not lying, your parents..." Dumbledore was cut off when the raven jumped from Harry's arm and flew towards the headmaster, it yanked the key out of his hands with its claws and flew straight back to Harry and landed on his shoulder. It dropped the key into his hand.

"Good boy" Harry said to the raven before looking at the headmaster "I believe that our business is concluded, goodbye"

"Mr Potter, I..."

"I...said...goodbye" Harry said slowly

"Young man, that is no way to talk to the headmaster" McGonagall told him off, appalled at his attitude. This was not what she expected from the son of Lily and James

"Lady, I talk however I damn well want now leave please unless you happen to have something else of mine that you shouldn't"

"Very well" Dumbledore sighed as he and McGonagall stood up "you are sure you do not require our assistance?"

"Positive" Harry nodded

"A good day to you" Dumbledore nodded and walked out of the room along with McGonagall, they both walked out of the orphanage and as soon as they were in a safe spot Dumbledore apparated them both back to Hogwarts. Both were left thinking about a certain green eyed boy

Harry soon found himself on the Hogwarts express, he had chosen an empty compartment, he was wearing a hoodie, jeans and trainers. His raven had chosen to fly and meet him there, he had no problems with that though he cursed whoever made going on the Hogwarts express a rule. Suddenly the compartment door opened and a red headed boy leaned in.

Damaged Ravenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن