Ch 4: I am a good girl I just do minor illegal things

Start from the beginning

He cut me off quickly. "Not really date but fake date."

"Why would you need to 'fake date' me?" I asked using me fingers.

"Well your pretty good at the whole good girl facade you put on and I need help tricking my mom."

"It's not a facade. I am a good girl I just do minor illegal things."

"Okay whatever. Anyway my mom has threatened me with sending me to a school in Texas on a ranch with horses. Which I'm not even going to get into that. But I was thinking that if my mom saw I was dating a good girl that she would think that I wasn't such a bad son."

"So what would I have to do?"

"Well obviously you would have to meet her. Maby come to dinner one night. I don't know. Wait does this mean your agreeing to it?" He asked with a smile.

"I didn't say that. How about this. I'll think about it."

"Which means your practically agreeing."

"No it means I'll think about it."

"Okay fine." He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Anyway are we finished I am starving." He chuckled at me.

I watched his hand reach for the door knob. He twisted it but it didn't budge. He tried again. Still nothing. He looked back at me wide eyed.

"Are we stuck?" I asked closing my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Yep." He said I opened my eyes glaring at him.

"This isn't my fault." He stated quickly.

"Oh really? I'm sure you know all these closets like the back of your hand from all the times you've hooked up with girls. And you just so happen to bring me to the one with a broken handle."

"Okay I have hooked up with girls in closets but never this one. It smells like old socks in here. It doesn't really give the sexy vibes."

"Whatever. Can you call someone? My phone's dead." I said checking it.

"Well I waited for you in the library for two hours so mine is to."

"Oh my gosh." I said rubbing my eyes.

There was no one here. It was just us in this freaking closet.

We've been in here for an hour. Now sitting on some mats on the floor.

"Here." He said. I looked down he had a pack of oreos in his hand.

Oh my gosh. Thank the Lord.

"Thank you." I said opening the packet. I pointed it to him.

"Nahh you eat." He waved it off.

I looked at him moving it closer to him. "Fine. I'm hungry to." He said taking one and putting it in his mouth.

I doing the same.

"You want to play a game?"

"What game?"

"21 questions."


"Come on. What else are we gonna do play eye spy? Everything in here is either gray or blue."

"Okay fine." I say putting another cookie in my mouth.

"Alright I'll go first. Favorite color?"

"That's such a basic question." I said laughing at him.

"Just answer it." "Okay fine. It's green."

"Okay your turn."

"Why do they call you a bad boy?" He looked at me.

The Bad Boys Fake Good GirlWhere stories live. Discover now