Liu Shuhan lowered her head as the tears streamed down and fell on the bedsheets, "I didn't. I only wanted to say to marquis that I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to accompany Mother to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings tomorrow. Qiang'er would most likely have to stay behind to take care of me as well. Marquis should know that Mother has never liked me. I'm afraid Mother would be infuriated by this news and hope the Marquis could pass the notice for me instead."

The current Liu Shuhan who had her head lowered and tears streaming down her cheeks truly appeared pitiful and stoked other's sympathy. It was unfortunate that when a man doesn't love someone, no matter how pitiful the other party was, the tears would only stoke the man's aggravation. Shen Ruiting might be soft-hearted, but when he had settled his mind on something, he also had the capability to be ruthless and firm in his decisions. Just as when he had decided that Shen Liang was the cause of Wei Zetian's death, despite Shen Liang being his son, Shen Ruiting was still able to discard him with the wave of his sleeve. And now, Taoist priest Guichen's death had made him certain that there was another story to Shen Liang's cursed star constitution. Only Liu Shuhan and the old madame had the power and motivation at that time to instigate such a scheme. Therefore, regardless of what Liu Shuhan said, until his convictions could be completely washed away, he would not be moved.

"Understood," after throwing her a perfunctory response, Shen Ruiting turned around and strode out. 

Shen Qiang couldn't help but throw herself to the bed with red-rimmed eyes, "Mother, how could Father be like this?"

Father wasn't like this before. Before Shen Liang's return, Father would still dote on her. No matter what she wanted, he would give her. But now, he wouldn't even spare her a single glance. Wasn't she his daughter?

"It's not like it's the first time he's treated us mother-children like this. Just wait, he'll regret it," Liu Shuhan reached out to caress her daughter's face. She raised her head as a glimmer of ruthlessness and determination glimmered in her gaze, her former pitiful pretense nowhere in sight.

Chonglin Coutyard

"Master, Liu Shuhan is indeed two months pregnant. The physician wasn't bribed. Our people have already interrogated and investigated the matter," shortly after the physician's departure, Lei Zhen once again returned to report the situation back to Shen Liang.

"No, I'm certain that Liu Shuhan's pregnancy is fabricated. If the physician wasn't bribed, then that could only mean she took some sort of medication that could result in a false positive pulse. Go and look into everyone and anyone who had been in and out of the main courtyard and Qiangwei Courtyard recently. Pay specific attention to hidden guards. Also specifically warn Sun Jing not to act rashly and be careful that she doesn't fall into other people's traps," after careful recollection, Shen Liang was certain that in his previous life, Liu Shuhan was never pregnant during this time. If she was, then she would've caused just as big of a commotion then as she did now.

"Understood. But Master, what are your arrangements for the trip to Xiangguo Temple tomorrow?" Since he has already said so, Lei Zhen wouldn't have voice any objections either. He was only concerned about tomorrow's affairs. It was evident that the people from the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard held no good intentions. They should make necessary preparations as well. 

"There's no need to make any specific arrangements. Simply choose twenty hidden guards who are capable enough to protect me in the shadows. That will suffice. On the surface, you and Yaoguang will accompany me."

If too much was done, it would only be too conspicuous and prevent others from  making their moves. Shen Liang wanted to guide them to implement their plans smoothly. As for in the end, who would be the one suffering, they'll just wait and see. 

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Where stories live. Discover now