Chapter 116

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In the subsequent days, Chonglin Courtyard found themselves swamped with work, leaving Shen Liang with no choice but to stay home even when Tianmen Academy resumed classes. The Marquis Manor remained in disarray, with Shen Xiao and Shen Yang isolating themselves in their respective rooms and refusing to see anyone. The elderly madame's once vibrant spirit had also dimmed since she had suffered from anger-induced vomiting and fainting. She wept incessantly, urging Shen Ruiting to seek revenge on their behalf. In the past, Shen Ruiting, being a filial child, would have immediately sought out Duke Duanjun to demand an explanation. However, this time, it was rumored that he forcefully pushed away the old madame's hands and coldly retorted that if they had the capability, they could personally confront Duke Duanjun. Afterward, he directly left the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard and didn't visit for several days, devoting himself instead to his work and court affairs.

After seven days, Qi Yue and Qi Xuan finally returned, and Yaoguang almost leaped into their arms, crying bitterly and leaving both parties bewildered. It was only after Fu Ying explained to them that they realized Yaoguang had been forcibly taken away the day after Pei Yuanxian's visit to learn household chores such as cooking and cleaning. During the day, he also had to assist Fu Ying in taking care of the lively and energetic Shen You. It was only late in the evening, after preparing Shen Liang's warm bath, that he could finally have some free time for himself. As a result, he had to sacrifice his precious spare time to learn these tasks. After several days of severe sleep deprivation, Yaoguang had developed two heavy panda eyes and a fiery temper, which he unleashed on anyone he encountered. Even Lei Zhen was afraid of him. Unless it was for urgent and necessary matters, Lei Zhen avoided the Courtyard altogether. If he had to be present, he deliberately chose times when only Shen Liang was around.

"Alright, Yaoguang, you can go and get some rest now. Leave the rest to Xiao Xuan and me," Qi Yue said after garnering a general understanding of the situation. He took the child from Yaoguang's arms, feeling a mix of amusement and exasperation. Qi Xuan also stepped in without hesitation, taking charge of the cleaning and cooking tasks. Fu Ying headed to the kitchen to relieve Shen Liang, and finally, Chongling Courtyard returned to its previous state of order and tranquility.

"Yue Yue, I can love you to death," Yaoguang exclaimed, embracing him tightly before planting a firm kiss on Qi Yue's cheek. And just like that, in an instant, Yaoguang vanished without a trace, leaving Qi Yue, who had just experienced his first kiss, stunned and bewildered, unable to gather his thoughts for quite some time.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so lost?" Shen Liang questioned as he entered the room and noticed Qi Yue's bewildered expression. With Yaoguang nowhere in sight, Shen Liang couldn't help but feel perplexed about Qi Yue's lost look the moment he returned from the countryside. He couldn't comprehend why Qi Yue appeared as though he had lost a part of his soul.

"Huh?" Qi Yue snapped out of his daze upon hearing Shen Liang's voice, his eyes momentarily clouded. Shen Liang shook his head and gently took Shen You, who was on the verge of falling asleep, from Qi Yue's arms. He carefully placed the child in the crib and began rocking it gently to soothe Shen You into slumber. Gradually, the child settled into a comfortable position and started sucking his thumb, occasionally murmuring incomprehensible words.

"How did things go in the countryside?" Shen Liang covered Shen You with a soft blanket and then pushed the crib to a quiet corner of the room, ensuring that nothing would disturb the child's sleep. Finally, he turned his attention to Qi Yue and Qi Xuan's trip, inquiring about how things were handled during their time away.

It was just enough time for Qi Yue to recover from his trance. He sat down beside Shen Liang before responding through gritted teeth: "I had the nanny and her entire family sent to prison. The reason given was oppression of the workers, rape, and embezzlement of the owner's property. Even if they don't die, they'll have to spend the rest of their lives in prison."

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora