Chapter 120

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Liu Shuhan pregnancy didn't only stun Sun Jing and Shen Liang. The entire Marquis Manor was stirred. Shen Ruiting, who received the news, rushed back from the court office. However, anyone with discernable eyes could see that his face was filled with shock rather than joy. It was as though he, more so than anyone else, was surprised that Liu Shuhan would be pregnant.

In the master bedroom of the main courtyard, Liu Shuhan was lying feebly against the bedrest. Besides her, Shen Xiao, Shen Qiang, and Sun Jing were also present and waiting for the physician to take her pulse.

"How is it?" the moment the physician retracted his hands, Sun Jing asked eagerly, instigating Shen Ruiting to pass her a strange look. Sun Jing realized her impulsiveness and hurriedly continued with a smile, "The madame's pregnancy is great news for the manor. Look at me, I've lost my propriety. I hope the Madame won't be offended."

Liu Shuhan didn't even bother responding. With the turn of her head, a hint of mockery and sarcasm slipped in her gaze."

"No matter," instead, it was Shen Ruiting who accepted Sun Jing's explanation and waved his hand to express his indifference. He then turned to the physician and inquired, "This madame of mine isn't young anymore. How is her pregnancy? Is there any danger?"

Regardless of his suspicions, Shen Ruiting couldn't express it before outsiders. The current him seemed like none other than an expectant and amicable father.

"Congratulations, Marquis. The madame is already two months pregnant. The current pulse shows that both mother and son are safe and healthy. Afterwards, as long as they rest well, a safe birth should not be a difficult matter," the physician clasped his hands together and relayed with a wide smile.

"Are you certain?" Shen Ruiting blurted out on reflex. He then explained, "Are you certain both mother and child are alright and won't be in any danger?"

"Yes. As long as the madame rest well, there shouldn't be any problems." after a momentary stupor, the physician's smile also faded a considerable degree. Not many people didn't know how chaotic the Marquis Donglin Manor's back courtyard affairs were. Shen Ruiting's behaviors only reminded him again.

"Then many thanks to the physician. Sun Jing, give him some remuneration and see the physician out."

"Yes," her hands clenched tightly on the handkerchief. Sun Jing used every effort and restraint she had to prevent herself from losing control. Liu Shuhan really was pregnant. After she had made all of them lose their children, she herself became pregnant for the third time now.

"Since you are with a child, then rest well in the courtyard. Don't run around outside if there isn't anything as to prevent something from happening and you having to pin the blame on someone else's cursed star again." After sending away the physician, Shen Ruiting's facade immediately collapsed. Liu Shuhan's children, he never held any expectation towards any of them. This one was no exception as well.

"Marquis..." Tears begin to fill Liu Shuhan's eyes again when faced with Shen Ruiting's chilling indifference. Had he already ascertained that the incident with the cursed star constitution was one of her schemes? That little b*stard Shen Liang had only spoken a few words but it was already sufficient to shake the trust she had built for years? Or was it still because of Wei Zetian that no matter how vicious and cruel that little b*stard was, as that person's child, Shen Liang's words would always carry more weight? Was his tolerance towards him that high?

But the more he was like this, the more she could and wouldn't allow that little beast to live well!

"Don't think about deriving anything through this child. Liu Shuhan, this marquis has already been thoroughly disappointed by you." After delivering his words, Shen Ruiting stood up. 

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat