Ch 3: Sorry for ruining your late night booty call

Start from the beginning


Holy Shit she actually won. Like really won with one kick not a punch but a freaking kick.

"Oh my gosh. I think I'm in love." Carter yelled. Grabbing my arms and shaking me back and forth.

"Little Red has obliterated the Manic Mayhem!" The announcer yelled. She walked off the stage. I watched as she looked around finally meeting my gaze.

She paused eyes wide. Mouth hanging open. And face going pale.

Yep I've caught you Summer.

💛 Summer pov:

"Mike I've got to go. Like right now." I said running into the locker room.

"Why?" He asked staring at me like I had just scared the crap out of him.

"You just won by KO! Don't you think you should celebrate?"

"Nope. I think I'm done for. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to runaway. Maby join a tribe in the Amazon. Maby move to Antartica with penguins. I don't care really just anywhere but here." I frantically gathered my stuff in my backpack.

"Why? What happened?" He said trying to keep me from walking out the door.

"There's four guys from my school here. And they for sure noticed me. I made direct eye contact with them. I'm doomed."

"You'll be fine. You might even become popular." He tried reasoning with me as we both walked down the hallway.

"That's the thing I don't want to be part of that group and plus these guys are bad." I said stopping and turning so he could understand the situation a little bit clearer.

He paused for a second looking at my serious face.

"Alright well let's go. Dang it. That girl I was talking to was really into me." He said seeming a little frustrated.

"Well sorry for ruining your late night booty call." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'll be right back. I've got to go collect your winnings. Just go to my car." He said turning around leaving me by myself.

Going through the back door I seen the black car sitting in the alley way. Four boys stood next to it almost like they were waiting.

I walked out the door. Turning towards the street hoping they wouldn't see me.

Pulling out my phone I texted Mike.

- Hey I couldn't wait. You have fun. I'll just walk home.

- You sure.

- Yeah. Hopefully that girl is the woman of your dreams.

- Haha. I'll text you where to get your money later. Be safe.

I turned my phone putting it in my back pocket. Pulling the straps of my backpack tighter.

Evening run anyone?

I started jogging. My house was atleast a 45 minute walk from here.

And it was already close to one in the morning.

Getting home I unlocked the door. Walking through I sighed putting the bag down on the table. I went to the fridge pulling out a bottle of water chugging it down.

I needed a shower. I know this is unlady like to say but, I stink worse than a sewage pipe busting in an onion field.

As I went to bed I cuddled into my blankets. Wishing that sleep would come quick. But I sat there for hours just hoping that the sun would come quicker.

I had fallen asleep around 5 in the morning and my alarm went off at 6.

The amount of will power it took me not to chunk my phone through my wall and into my neighbours living room was immense.

I sighed sitting up.

"And the day starts again." I said throwing my legs over. My feet touching the cold floor. Shivers went up my spine. I closed my eyes breathing in the cold air. In the morning it was always cold in my apartment. There was no heating or air. So you either heat or freeze. No in between.

I was ready by 6:45 where I start my thirty minute walk to school.

Getting to the gates I was dragging. My toes where about to freeze off and I sware I had snot sickles hanging from my nose. It was nearing towards Christmas. Meaning it was getting chilly outside. It doesn't snow here but it sure felt like it could.

"Hey." I heard someone yell and then a whistle. I turned my head in the direction. Seeing the four boys leaned up against the black car once again.

"Little Red. Come here." Ryder screamed across the parking lot making other students turn their heads looking around for who he was referring to.

I rushed over to him.

"Will you shut up. Your gonna get me caught you douche bag." I said in a monotone voice. Irritated was an understatement of how I felt at this moment.

"Oh come on Little Red no use for profanity. Let's be civilized." He said with a cocky smirk.

"I don't think your capable of that." I said turning my head to look at the other three who were smiling at our conversation.

"Oh ouch that hurt so bad." He held his heart pretending to have been hurt. How could I hurt your heart when you didn't have one?

"What do you want Ryder?" I asked exhausted.


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