Regardless, I slowly opened the door to our house. I see Zahra's back facing me as she's slowly cooking. It's her off day and she usually always insists on cooking even when I (objectively) make better dishes. She insists she wants to rival my cooking which is a little adorable considering I'm a chef. Don't tell her but, I already think her food is better than mine. A restaurateur can't admit it.

I'm flustered as I silently approach her. How do I even hand flowers to someone? This feels too painfully awkward I'm close to turning around and throwing the flowers away but just in time, Zahra coincidentally turns around to face me. "Ian? You're home? What are you-" her voice cuts off when she sees the bouquet I'm holding.

My lips slowly crack into a soft smile, "I got this for you," I say, and even I can hear how nervous and awkward I sound but the smile on Zahra's face is worth all the awkwardness or embarrassment I ever have to feel.

"Ian..." she mumbles, before almost jumping into my arms, wraping an arm around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist, gently lifting her slightly up. "What are they for?" she says into my chest, not pulling away from our embrace.

"I wanted to ask you on a date," I finally muster to let out.

This made her pull away. "What?" surprised, and before I could mistake it for rejection she continues, "Really? Yes, yes. I wanna. Where are we going?" she questions, her face lighting up.

"Anywhere you want, Zar."


I told you I'm a pretty selfish man. I become even more selfish when it comes to Zahra because I wanted the date to happen the very next day.

You know where Zahra wanted to go? It's so Zahra. She wanted to go the beach. Who am I to refuse?

I brought her to a beach where I know won't be so swarmed by people, and one with good food places around. I packed picnic items but I figured I wanted our dinner to be extra special.

When we arrived, I gently laid down all our picnic items and we settled quickly. I was enjoying the breeze of the ocean, and hearing its sound calming my heart.

In this moment I think of one of the first few things Zahra said that had stuck to me, that for everyone on this earth, a thousand years before the skies ever met the sea, my name was written next to someone else. I take in Zahra's feature and my heart cracks a little. Is it hers next to mine?

"Thank you for bringing me here. I know it may be a boring date but, I really love the ocean," she lets out.

"I don't think a place with you could be boring," I say, simply. "You're too annoying for that."

"Hey!" she shouts, taking a pinche of sand next to her and lightly throwing it on my pants.

We laugh.

"Do you think the person whose name is written next to mine is wishing desperately to erase it?" I said mindlessly. I frown when I see Zahra's frown.

"Why would you say that?" she remarks, almost angry. "You don't even see it." she chuckles, like I just said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

I quirk an eyebrow, confused. "You don't even realise how.. loveable you are. How anyone who knows you is lucky to do so."

I scoff, "A lot of people would disagree with that, Zahra."

"I meant the you now. The you I know. There are good people who do bad things and there are bad people who do bad things. You could never be the first one, Ian."

"You don't even know what I've done," I comment, calmly because it's true.

"I know that you're a much better person than you give yourself credit for. I hope someone will love you so, so much. So, so sincerely that you will have no choice than to accept that love, and to realise how worthy you are of it," Zahra says before handing me a plate of food she had set.

I look down, and I blink. Hard. I try to hold back tears because I want to say, I wish it was her who would love me but I can't seem to say it. "I hope you find someone who loves you enough they would move the earth to see you smile."

That helped lighten the heavy atmosphere, because I can hear her giggle. "Ah, love is a scary thing."

I don't ask her to elaborate. We spend the entire day talking, laughing. Zahra is funnier when she gets tired. It's a weird way to describe someone but it is the only way that makes sense to me. "Let's have dinner, then we cna go home," I say, after Zahra yawns.

She sighs but gets up, dusting sand from her skirt. "I wish I could stay here forever."

I do too.

We walk towards the restaurant I had booked. One more surprise.

A/N: Hi! The date scene is not over :) Next part will be their dinner date. Thank you for reading!! Likes and comments are always appreciated. ❤️

Sorry for any typos too. I wrote this at 4am, will proofread when I wake up😵‍💫

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