Unintended Discoveries Pt 1

Start from the beginning

You just wait until I get back

Fairy Han
I'm waiting my dear husband😊

And you guys wonder why we think you're dating🤦🏼


Go back to sleep Wonu

I'm sitting right beside you


Fairy Han
Get some rest Wonwoo.
We have nowhere to be today

Okay Hyung

Fairy Han


Hoshi looked up from his phone to see Woozi watching him. His eyes were tired from not sleeping the night before.

"Hyung, go back to sleep. I'm not going anywhere. I can't anyway. You're wrapped around me." Woozi only smiled


"Don't be. If you're comfortable, then it doesn't bother me." Woozi looked down at Hoshi's phone and squinted.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing in particular."

"Can I just hold you for a while?" Hoshi smiled and nodded.

"I'm all yours Hyung. To think 3 days ago, we were strangers and now I can't think about life without you." Woozi tightened his legs around Hoshi's waist.

"I don't think we were ever strangers."

"What do you mean?"

"For my whole life I've been searching for something. Something was missing and the moment I laid my eyes on you, I felt complete. I guess it was someone rather than something. When I stopped talking, my parents were told that I'd probably never talk again. Yet, here I am."

"I feel the same way. Do you think it's possible that we've met each other in many lifetimes?"

"Maybe." Woozi laid his head on Hoshi's chest. "I'm gonna get some more rest. Wake me up later." Hoshi nodded. Woozi closed his eyes and relaxed into Hoshi. He decided to go back into the group chat.

The Mystic 13

Tiger boy
I'm back
Woozi Hyung woke up
We talked for a bit

Fairy Han
Everything okay?

Tiger boy
Everything's okay

You didn't miss anything

Hao Hao
You think we could go exploring later?
I want to check out the other half of the floor

Isn't it blocked off?

But last night me and Hao went for a walk
We found an entrance
We didn't go in but my suspicion is that it leads to the other hallway

Fairy Han
I guess we could
But if we do we need to go together
There's no telling what's there

Hanie is right
Safety is our first priority
We still have a lot of unanswered questions

Maybe we can find some if we go
We should do it tonight
We don't need any problems


Wonu never went back to sleep🤦🏼

Vernon said sure

We're in

Hao Hao
Obviously we're in

Sunshine and Dino said sure

Tiger boy
We're in
Woozi Hyung wants answers too

Okay then
We'll go later tonight

"Do you think we should tell them tonight?" Jeonghan asked. Seungcheol looked up from his phone.

"Yes. They need to know. It doesn't matter what we find. If the rumors are true, we can't leave them in the dark. That will put all of us in more danger." Jeonghan nodded.

The 13 boys waited until curfew and left their rooms. Jun and Hao led the way, silently. When they got there, Seungcheol and Jeonghan moved in front of the boys and observed the door. On the side, there was a panel. Seungcheol lightly touched. The panel slid down to reveal a fingerprint scanner. It was Jeonghan who took the chance and pressed his thumb to it. Everyone was shocked when the door opened. The boys cautiously went in. Behind the door revealed a long hallway. At the end of the hallway was another door with a fingerprint scanner. This time, Woozi stepped up. He pressed it and the door unlocked. He stepped through the door and the rest followed. Hoshi grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. The door opened up to a large dark room. Jun flicked his wrist and lit up the room. He walked around till he found a switch and flipped it.

"What is this place?"


Vernon loving on cats just hits different

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Vernon loving on cats just hits different

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