13. Plus Two

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Morgy; with many thanks for supporting me on Patreon again, and my apologies for the delay in posting it. In future I'll try to remember to check that the new chapter is actually available at the scheduled time!

Claudia knocked nervously at the door to her own room before coming in, and then stood in the doorway. She hadn't gotten dressed properly after her bath, and so was still naked. And clearly embarrassed about having to wear a diaper again. But then she looked at what was next to the diaper on the bed, and blushed all over again.

"What's that?" she squeaked, her voice raising half an octave above normal. Adam blinked; he had expected her to be surprised, but not that much. He decided to keep going just as he had planned, and deal with any problems once he knew what they were.

"Well, you're all dry now," he said. "I thought you should get dressed. And I know you're too little to get dressed by yourself, so I thought I should choose something appropriate for you."

"But I can..." she started, and then cut herself off. She seemed off balance, shocked even, and couldn't think properly about what she wanted to say.

"You can dress yourself?" Adam asked. "I think it's been a few hours since breakfast time, and I haven't seen you get any clothes out. So I thought that you might need a little help. Is that wrong? Was there something stopping you?"

"I uhh..." she stammered. "I just thought... You want to see me naked, don't you? Your little slut all helpless and obedient? If you said I should get dressed I would have picked something. Maybe a bit less... I mean, it's fine, I'm not complaining, it's just... I can't imagine you wanting me when I'm dressed like that. And you kind of... There's part of me was kind of hoping if I kept showing myself off, you might want to fuck me again."

"Well..." Adam said, after a long pause. He knew what he had to say, there was no ambiguity in the plan, but a part of him didn't really want to say it right now. He forced himself to ignore the disappointment and follow orders.

"Well, I did decide that if you've been good, I would allow you to have some input into your own outfit," he started. "But I think a good girl shouldn't be using words like that. You know what naughty words are, don't you?"

"I'm not allowed to curse?" she guessed.

"Yes," he said. "You're learning to be good, aren't you? And a good girl doesn't use words like that. So you don't get so much freedom with regards to your outfit today. And if I hear you using those words again, there will be consequences. Understand?"

"Yes," she whispered. "What words aren't allowed?"

"I think you should try not to say anything that you would be shocked to hear any other toddler saying. You can imagine that, can't you? It's not hard to understand. If you can imagine how a toddler would say what you want to say, you have to talk like that. That's rule seven, and you have to obey it, just like all the rules. Okay?"

"Yeah," Claudia stammered. "I mean... you didn't need to..."

"I can't keep on giving you those pastilles forever," Adam said, glancing over at a pack that was almost empty already. He wasn't sure how many more she had, but he knew it was a limited supply. He didn't even know if it was healthy to keep on taking them for so long; and once he thought of that, he had to ask. "How long is it safe to keep taking those for? Do you know? Tell me the truth."

"We don't know," she said with a shrug. "All we know is by word of mouth, it's not well known, and if you tell too many people there's a chance the government would regulate it, so it's kind of a secret that's mostly only known to the indigenous people. But I know some people who've used it extensively. Some people start getting shaky after a while, heart racing, that kind of thing. Usually about a week from what I've heard."

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