"Listen, Minjae." I knelt at his height and put my hands on the wrists of his luxurious shirt.

No matter how much I wanted to help him, I couldn't do anything. Before helping someone else, I had to be able to deal with my problems first.

"You should tell me about your father. Tell me where and how to contact him. I promise I won't let you go away until I'm sure he'll never hurt you again." Seeing the anger in his coffee eyes became enough to understand Minjae's answer.

"I won't return to him! I don't need my father. I heard how he told his older brother that my presence was bothering him." He immediately spit out his heartbroken heart and roughly removed my hands.

" Minjae, I have no other choice. You see, I'm poor and I don't have any food. I can't afford to give you everything you need. Besides, there is a law by which I have no right to leave you here with me."

Burdened by the story of a child rejected by everyone, this time I tried to justify myself with an honest reason.

The amber eyes, clouded like a storm cloud, slowly changed. This time their
anger was replaced by sadness and a desire for new hope.

Stunned by my words, he looked at me silently for a minute. It was as if he wanted to find a reason so reliable that I could not refuse.

Watching a seven-year-old lost in an age-inappropriate dilemma made me
feel guilty.

Stressed by the inevitable situation, I closed my eyes tightly and sat on the
back of the old chair in the fetal position on the floor.

How could I encourage a child who had to fight for love and family warmth from an early age?

While I was busy thinking about finding a way out, I heard a strange noise somewhere nearby. I quickly opened my eyes, burdened by the responsibility of a strange child, and froze on the spot for a minute.

Fighting for a new environment, Minjae pushed a chair to the kitchen counter, dragged the vegetables given by the bearded man to the sink, and tried to wash them with great zeal.


"I can prove to you that leaving me will be good." Washing vegetables
without looking back, started talking with a new attitude.

"Eunjoo taught me a lot, she told me that when she was gone, I would have to take care of myself. That's why she taught me how to cook from the age of five. I can cook for you and clean your house, but in return you let me live here until I grow up." His attitude filled my heart with a strange regret.

The fact that his nanny was teaching a five-year-old child to fight for existence with all his being radiated screamed desperation to me.

Who was Minjae's father? Why did he hate and torment his son? How
Could she make him grow up too soon?

"Well, what are you going to cook, little chef? To begin with, I can help you to cut the tomatoes." Hurt by his misfortune, I smiled forcefully and pulled his straight chocolate hair with my hand.


I had to clean the dinner dishes along with the running water and my
confused thoughts.

I still couldn't decide how to act. Minjae's fate worried me more than I could have imagined.

On the one hand, I wanted to create a suitable environment for him and
remove the premature pressure from his shoulders, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to shoulder another responsibility alone.

I even thought of calling the appropriate services, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

What if he could still talk to his father and resolve the situation? If I could
accurately convey the son's feelings to Minjae's father, maybe the forgotten
warm-hearted father would wake up in him. Maybe I could help them fix
their relationship?

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